
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

2017-07-10:国際社会のメディアへ日本からニュースのヒント:日本の移民問題についても関心を持ってください。以下は、本日、トランプ大統領や駐日大使館、OHCHR、国会議員などへ送信したメールです。 メディアへの共通配信 2017-07-10:トランプ大統領へのメール:アメリカが北朝鮮を攻撃すると北朝鮮はソウルを火の海にすると思います。だから韓国は、アメリカに対して北朝鮮への武力攻撃を認めません。韓国が認めないのに、アメリカが北朝鮮を攻撃することには国際社会から協力が得られません。トランプ大統領








 日本の移民問題についても関心を持ってください。日本は不法就労する外国人と、彼ら雇用した者を平等に厳しく処分する法律になっていますが、警察官らが、彼らを雇用する経営者と癒着して外国人だけを刑事処分しています。これは、日本法だけでなく国際法違反です。私は、2010年「入管法違反幇助事件」日本政府から受けた不法な扱いに対して、国連のOHCHRに「個人通報制度」で提訴したいが、日本は「個人通報制度」の批准をしていません。提出書類は下記にあります。http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ 日本へ「個人通報制度」の批准勧告と国際刑事裁判所への提訴を支援してください。大統領に、幸多かれと祈る!敬具、




2017-07-10: To the media of the international community News from Japan Tips: Please also be concerned about Japanese immigration issues. The following is the e-mail sent today to President Trump, embassy to Japan, OHCHR, parliamentarians and so on.

Common delivery to media

2017-07-10: E-mail to President Trump: I think that North Korea will make Seoul a sea of fire when the United States attacks North Korea. So Korea does not acknowledge the US against armed attacks on North Korea. Even though Korea does not accept, cooperation from the international community can not be obtained for the United States to attack North Korea.I am amazed at President Cardinal's patience. President Trump, Gunbare! It is!

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
In talks with President Putin in tune with the G20, the president agreed to set up a "strain relaxation zone" to force civil war in southern West Syria where the civil war continues. This is a big achievement for Syria stabilization.

At the G20, Prime Minister Abe said that "protectionism leads to the shrinkage of global trade as a whole, and it does not get anywhere of the country." Then, in order to resolve the trade imbalance with the United States, Japan should increase imports from the United States and Japan and the United States should obtain it.
Trade should be balanced between bilateral and multilateral trade. Establishment of this trade rule will improve unfair trade practices. America should speak with more voices.

The argument over global warming is a bad guy who has expressed departure from the "Paris Agreement", but the agreement that permits increased emissions to China, the largest emitting country, is crazy.

In North Korea, in terms of aiming for denuclearization of North Korea, they are in agreement, but against the pressure strengthening, the gap has not been aligned. As President Trump, I think that America wants to attack North Korea soon, just like a missile attack on Syria. But I think that North Korea will make Seoul a sea of ​​fire when the United States attacks North Korea. So Korea does not acknowledge the US against armed attacks on North Korea.
I am amazed at President Cardinal's patience. President Trump, Gunbare! It is!

Please also be interested in Japanese immigration issues. Japan has become a law to dispose illegally foreign workers and those employed by them equally and strictly, but police officers are criminalizing only foreigners by adhering to managers hiring them . This is not only Japanese law but also international law violation. I would like to file a lawsuit against the United Nations OHCHR under the "personal reporting system" against the illegal treatment received from the Japanese government in 2010, but Japan ratifies the "personal reporting system" not. Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/ Please support Japan to recommend "ratification of personal notification system" and appeal to the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,

Yasuhiro Nagano