
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-11-28

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-11-28



















The Weekly Standardでは、Shannen Coffinは、Trump大統領がMick MulvaneyConsumer Financial Protection Bureauの代理取締役に任命したことで、彼の側で法律を持っていると主張する。司法省の法務弁護士事務所は、「大統領の指名を支持する意見を公表した」と棺に書いており、同会長は「大統領が公職改革法の下で暫定公務員を指名できるという立場を長らく取っている」と述べた。




9人の著名な経済学者が、ウォールストリートジャーナル紙に掲載されたスティーブン・ミンチン財務長官に、なぜ上院改革法案が「前向き」なのかを説明する手紙を書いた。両法案は投資を刺激し、経済活動は最終的に改革のコストこの手紙を引用しているウォール・ストリート・ジャーナルの社説は、「3年の成長のわずか4- 米国の歴史的基準 - わずか1兆ドルの穴を埋めることができる」と同意している。













Mail magazine from the White House 2017-11-28

America is winning #CyberMonday, thanks to President Trump

West Wing Reads |



-Jen Kerns in The Hill

There is “so much winning” this Cyber Monday as “the economy continues to boom under President Trump, and America is poised to break records again,” writes Jen Kerns in The Hill. Kerns notes this year’s Cyber Monday sales are predicted to be the highest in history because of the confidence Americans have in the direction of the economy.

With consumer confidence at a 17-year high and the unemployment rate at a 16-year low, the President is making good on his promise to return manufacturing jobs to the United States. Companies such as Toyota are planning to open factories here at home, leading Kerns to conclude that “the economy is booming and this holiday season, [President Trump] continues to make America great again.”

Click here to read more


In The Weekly Standard, Shannen Coffin argues that President Trump has the law on his side with his appointment of Mick Mulvaney as Acting Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel “publicly released an opinion supporting the president’s designation,” writes Coffin, and that office “has long taken the position that the president can designate an acting official under the Vacancies Reform Act.”


Nine prominent economics experts wrote a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin published in The Wall Street Journal explaining why both the House and the Senate tax reform bills are “pro-growth.” Both bills would spur the investment and economic activity ultimately needed to drive down the cost of reform. A Wall Street Journal editorial citing the letter agrees on that point: “A mere four years of 3 percent growth – the U.S. historical norm – could fill a $1 trillion hole.”


Investor’s Business Daily says President Trump’s trip to Asia was a success, especially on the issue of trade. China announced on Thanksgiving that it has decided to “slash import taxes on some 187 consumer goods,” the editorial board explains.


Writing in Fox News, Chuck DeVore thinks President Trump’s “most significant contribution to a more prosperous America is also his least understood: his assault on the administrative state.” Only four times since 1960 has the tide of liberty managed to roll back government power. Should the President prevail, writes DeVore, the decade of growth that follows would almost certainly be unprecedented.




I have made an international criminal court (ICC) petition (humanitarian crime by judicial administration), so please have a look!
