
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

<公開メール>助けてください! 拝啓 英国首相 テリーザ・メイ  閣下   2018年2月19日私は、「不法就労」に対する幇助は「不法就労助長罪」の行為しかないと思っていますので、そのことを主張したのですが、警察も入管法違反幇助の幇助理由が「不法就労助長罪」の行為を指していないことは同じでした。


拝啓 英国首相 テリーザ・メイ  閣下   2018年2月19日

 読売新聞15日の社説によると、「朝鮮に核・ミサイル開発放棄の意思がなければ、対話を 毎日新聞によると、は16日、中国製などの鉄鋼・アルミニウム製品の輸入増加が「国家安全保障上の脅威になる」として、トランプ大統領に輸入制限発動を勧告したと発表した。中国を最大の標的とするが、日本を含む全ての国に関税や輸入上限枠を適用するものなど複数案を提示。これに対し中国は強く反発し、米国が実際に発動すれば対抗措置に踏み切ることを示唆しており、米中貿易摩擦の激化だけでなく、世界の自由貿易体制を揺るがす恐れがある。

 この米商務省提案は、アメリカの貿易赤字を解消する政策の一環だと思いますが、全ての貿易相手国を対象とするのはクレイジーです。アメリカはまず、貿易赤字の半分を占める対中国に対する貿易を解消することです。アメリカが対中国貿易で赤字を垂れ流すと迷惑するのは日本などの同盟国です。アメリカが米ドルを中国にプレゼンとして、中国の軍事力を増強させるスポンサーを続けるならば、日本などの同盟国に軍備費用増強のための賠償金を支払うべきです。米商務省はクレイジーです。トランプ大統領は米商務省に対中国の貿易赤字を解消する計画を立案させるべきです。立案できなければ「商務省の役人は全員 くびだ」と言ってください。ついでに、日本の人道上の犯罪が理解できない役人も「全員 くび」にしてください!

 今日の説明は「実録、法に基づかない不法な逮捕・監禁」NO:018 です。
NO:019 へ続きます。

日本国家による移民、難民に対する扱いをめぐる人道上の犯罪を支援してください。日本法だけ でなく国際法違反です。


テリーザ・メイ首相 ガンバレ。そして私たちを助けてください!敬具。





<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, February 19, 2018

NO 1:
According to the editorial of the Yomiuri Shimbun 15th, "If there is no intention of abandoning nuclear weapons and missile development in Korea, according to the Mainichi Shimbun, the increase in imports of steel and aluminum products such as made in China will increase national security It will be a threat to the above, "announced that they recommended the import of trumps to President. Although China is the largest target, multiple plans such as those applying tariffs and import upper limits to all countries including Japan are presented. Meanwhile, China strongly opposed, suggesting that if the United States really activates, it suggests that it should take countermeasures, not only intensifying the trade friction between the US and China but also shaking the free trade system of the world.
Japan is also included in the subject of import restrictions, the Japan Iron and Steel Federation commented, "I would like to consider the correspondence etc. after fully analyzing the contents, expecting the president's wise judgment."

I think this proposal by the US Department of Commerce is part of a policy to resolve the trade deficit in the United States, but it is crazy to target all trading partners. First of all, America is to eliminate trade with China that accounts for half of the trade deficit. Japan and other allies trouble troubling America if it drips deficits in trade with China. If the United States continues to sponsor the US military power to China by presenting the US dollar to China, we should pay compensation for strengthening armaments to Japan and other allies. The US Department of Commerce is crazy. Trump president should have the U.S. Department of Commerce plan a plan to eliminate China 's trade deficit. If you can not make a plan, please say "All officials of the Commerce Department are nervous". Also, please make officials who can not understand humanitarian crimes in Japan "all-necked"!

NO 2:
Today's explanation is "Illustrated illegal arrest / confinement not based on law" NO: 018.
The police officer (K) says, "President, we have not said that we have promoted illegal work promotion!" "Because there are a lot of circumstantial evidences that created a contract to hire a lie ..." "Please answer the question only to the question ..." and say word processor input.
Since I believe that assisting illegal employment is only an act of "illegal employment promotion crime", I insisted on that, but the reason for assisting the aid of the Immigration Act violating the Immigration Act is "illegal employment promotion crime It did not point to the act of 's the same.
Police officer (K) is abusing his authority by arrest and detention for unfair reason not based on law. And the content that made false employment contracts will be the reason for assisting illegal employment. But this objection has no opinion at all. The police officer (K) has no ears to listen to in the explanation of my criminal law principle.
Continue to NO: 019.

NO 3:
Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed.
Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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