
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

<公開メール>#MeToo 人権被害者です! トランプ大統領 様 2018-10-26:日本には年間1万人以上の難民が入国しています。これは日本政府の「罠」です。実態は短期労働者の受け入れと同じです。彼らは「制度」を悪用して「労働」をします。日本政府は「難民」として認めない。。


<公開メール>#MeToo 人権被害者です!



検察は中国人「Kin Gungaku」が私に「謝礼」の一部を「銀行口座」に入金した「証拠」を言います。銀行のATMから「L社の預金の口座」に「振込の入金」があります。振り込み人は「(カタカナ)で「Kin」と言う名前」です。検察は「Kin」=「Kin Gungaku」と「断定」します。中国人は常に(First name& Last name )をペアで使います。中国人のすべてが言います。送金者の名前が(Last name =famiry name)だけで「銀行口座への送金」は、ありえない。日本人でも送金者の名前は(First name& Last name )をペアで使います。日本の検察官は「私は偉いのです」と言うのがわかるでしょう。多分、彼らのパスポートは(Last name =famiry name)だけです。「First name 」はないのです。本当だと思いますか?

「起訴の書類」は、サイトに掲載しておりますのでご覧ください。「起訴の書類」の文末です。もって、前記ヂャン等4名の資格外の活動を容易に助長したものである。 「罪の名前」及び処罰の法律「出入国管理および難民認定法違反」同法70条1項4号、19条1項1号刑法62条1項、60条
日本政府は「告訴」を「crush」ています。しかし国家権力による「crush」は「Statute of limitations」の「停止」です。
敬具  長野 恭博

私の情報 ***************************************************


<Public mail> #MeToo Human rights victim!

To President Trump

2018-10-26: More than 10,000 refugees enter Japan every year. This is a Japanese government's "trap". The actual situation is the same as acceptance of short-term workers. They exploit the "system" and do "labor". The Japanese government does not recognize it as "refugee". .
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I argue for "innocence" and are fighting in "law theory". So it is good to recognize "indictment" 100%. So I am not going to fight with the prosecution's "willful evidence."However, the prosecution speaks of "one example" of evidence to prove "willful".The reason is to get to know everyone how Japanese prosecutors are crazy!Prosecutors say "proof" that the Chinese "Kin Gungaku" credited me a portion of "reward" into "bank account".There is "Deposit of funds transfer" to "Account of Deposit of Company L" from the ATM of the bank. The transferer is "(Katakana) with a name" Kin ".The prosecution will "assert" with "Kin" = "Kin Gungaku".Chinese always use (First name & Last name) in pairs.Every Chinese says.There is no "remittance to a bank account" with only the name of the sender (Last name = famiry name).Even Japanese, we will use the name of the sender (First name & Last name) in pairs.Japanese prosecutors will find that they say "I am great."Perhaps their passport is only (Last name = famiry name). There is no "First name". Do you think it is true?
The Japanese government is crazy! Or a liar!
Please spread this fact everyone!It is the continuation from the previous day. In case
"Documents of prosecution" are posted on the site, so please have a look.It is the end of the sentence of "document of prosecution".Therefore, it easily facilitated activities other than the qualifications of the four people such as Chang."Name of sin" and the law of punishment"Immigration control and refugee recognition law violation"Article 70 (1) (4) of this Act, 19 (1) 1 item 1Article 62 (1) of the Penal Code, Article 60
The Immigration Control Act punishes foreigners who carried out "activities outside the status of qualification (Table 19 of Table)" under Article 70 of the Immigration Act "illegal employment crimes".Moreover, we will punish "business entities" who have "employed illegally" foreigners by the Immigration Act Article 73 - 2 "Sin that promoted illegal employment".The "purpose" of the Immigration Control Act, which the National Assembly "legislated", is based on international law. Article 70 and Article 73-2 of the Immigration Control Act are paired.If you use it in pairs, you are not discriminating against foreigners consciously."Penal Code Article 62 1, 60 Article" is a breach of applicable law.Prosecutors make Article 22-4-4 of Immigration Control Act as "reason" of "crime".However, the prosecutor "applies" Article 62 (1) and Article 60 of the Penal Code. It's crazy!(Indictment) please see! Monkeys can understand this as well!"Crime" of police officers, prosecutors and judges is "sin" which is equivalent to "death penalty" if "accumulating" the number of sins.I think you can understand the reason for escape.A very dangerous person is in charge of justice.Everyone, let the ICC investigate!Please spread this fact around the world.Let's "get out" to the "police officer of the world" and have it!Who is the "world policeman"? What? You know!
I will continue until you understand.
The media should report the "illegal abduction detention problem" as a matter of violation of the immigration law of the Japanese government.Governments of each country should protect their victims. Please request the Japanese government for honor recovery and compensation. There are a lot of foreigners who came to Japan with visas such as study abroad, sightseeing and work. They work at eating and drinking establishments and are "disposed of" by "immigration law violation". It is a violation of international law because employers are not "disposed". Therefore foreigners who worked illegally are "innocent".
The Japanese government is "crushing" complaints. But "crush" by state power is "stop" of "Statute of limitations". 
The material is below.http://www.miraico.jp/Bridgetohumanrights/
It seems that recent Japanese government has noticed my argument. The police have not arrested. The Immigration Bureau has arrested them and is "forcibly repatriated to their home country."※ There are many victims in the past. The Japanese government should "recover honor" and "compensate for damage!"Please mail me if you have objections.
Sincerely yours, 
Yasuhiro Nagano

My information ***************************************************
Yasuhiro Nagano

For uncertainties, please contact us!enzai_mirai@yahoo.co.jp