
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!


And the United States should promote the democratization of Japanese judiciary. Asia's "authoritarianism" should be destroyed. It is the "authoritarian politicians" that should be destroyed, and it is not democracy to "hate" with "violence" against "Asian

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

The prosperity of the United States will lead to the prosperity of "Hollywood"! It will lead to the prosperity of not only "Hollywood" but also the US allies. In order to decouple "China, which destroys freedom and democracy," "all Americans" should unite

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

We will make the factory of the latest equipment with "Rust Belt Factory" and "Scrap & Build". Steelworks "scrap and build" to state-of-the-art factories

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

We accept "poor people" from Central and South America as "provisional immigrants" by limiting them to "special zones". Of course, factories cannot operate with "provisional immigrants" alone. Needs many US workers.

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

US companies should return manufacturing in China to the United States. We will build the US-Mexico border as a "special zone". We will build a factory in this "special zone". Business owners want the same "cheap labor" as in China.

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

It's crazy for "African Americans" to buy "Chinese products." You should "not buy". All Americans should "non-buy" "Chinese products."

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!

Proposal from Japanese May 15, 2021: Saturday edition. Dear Sir,It is the "Chinese company" that "robbed" the "work" and "life" of "African Americans" in the new Corona. "African Americans" should not hate "Asian Americans"!It's crazy for …

However, participants are only "negative people" who have undergone PCR testing in advance. If only "negative people" gather, you can live a "pre-corona" life!

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 16, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,The "negative person" of the "new corona" should demand "human rights" to live the same "life" as "before the corona epidemic"!As a result of the "test for the new corona",an e…

In the UK and Spain, 5,000 spectators enjoyed "no social distance" live performances without masks. The event was held as part of a government pilot project.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 16, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,The "negative person" of the "new corona" should demand "human rights" to live the same "life" as "before the corona epidemic"!As a result of the "test for the new corona",an e…

Mankind will soon be free from the fear of the "new Corona"! The problem is a system that instantly selects only "negative people"!

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 16, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,The "negative person" of the "new corona" should demand "human rights" to live the same "life" as "before the corona epidemic"!As a result of the "test for the new corona",an e…

As a result of the "test for the new corona", an experiment was conducted in which only "negative people" could have the same "daily life" as "before the corona epidemic"! It is the world where the "new corona" has died.

Yasuhiro Nagano Opinion May 16, 2021: Sunday edition. Dear Sir,The "negative person" of the "new corona" should demand "human rights" to live the same "life" as "before the corona epidemic"!As a result of the "test for the new corona",an e…

それでも「陽性者」が「ゼロ」になることは絶対にありえません。 そうであれば経済活動が「コロナ前」に戻ることはありません。 各国の政府は瞬時に感染者を確認できる「コロナ検査機」を開発すべきです!

長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月16日:日曜版。拝啓、「新型コロナ」の「陰性の者」は「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「生活」が出来る「人権」を要求するべきです!「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ…

私は「コロナワクチン」を否定しません。 「ワクチン」の接種で「抗体」が永久に存続するのはありえません! ワクチン年に1、2回 接種し続けるのだろうか?

長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月16日:日曜版。拝啓、「新型コロナ」の「陰性の者」は「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「生活」が出来る「人権」を要求するべきです!「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ…

「PCR検査」では、リアルタイムの日常の生活には戻りません。 私は、主張をし続けています! サーモグラフィのように瞬時に「ウィルスのj感染」が判明する「検査機」を開発するべきです。

長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月16日:日曜版。拝啓、「新型コロナ」の「陰性の者」は「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「生活」が出来る「人権」を要求するべきです!「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ…

「殆んどの市民」は「陰性の者」です。 「陰性の者」と「陽性の者」を混在して社会生活をしようとするから「制約」が大きくなり、 経済活動が止まるのです。

長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月16日:日曜版。拝啓、「新型コロナ」の「陰性の者」は「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「生活」が出来る「人権」を要求するべきです!「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ…

「ワクチン」だけでは「コロナ前」の生活には戻りません。 「コロナと一緒」の「時代」は、「人びとが集まる場所」では、常に瞬時に「陽性性者」を「除外」をします。 「陰性の者」には、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「日常の生活」を「提供」するべきです。

長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月16日:日曜版。拝啓、「新型コロナ」の「陰性の者」は「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「生活」が出来る「人権」を要求するべきです!「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ…

長野恭博 オピニオン 「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、 「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「日常の生活」が出来る実験が行われました! それは「新型コロナ」が生滅した世界です。人類が「新型コロナ」の恐怖から解放されるのはもうすぐです!

長野恭博 オピニオン 2021年05月16日:日曜版。拝啓、「新型コロナ」の「陰性の者」は「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ「生活」が出来る「人権」を要求するべきです!「新型コロナの検査」の結果、「陰性の者」だけのグループが、「コロナが流行の以前」と同じ…