
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

トランプ大統領のフロリダへの訪問について、ハリケーン・イルマの被害調査を行い、最初の対応者と住民と会いました。ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-14 

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-14 





- Veronica StracqualursiJordyn PhelpsABC News


ABCニュースのVeronica StracqualursiJordyn Phelpsは、トランプ大統領のフロリダへの訪問について、ハリケーン・イルマの被害調査を行い、最初の対応者と住民と会いました。これは、トランプ大統領がハリケーンに襲われた南側に行った3週間足らずの3回目の旅です。大統領は、FEMA沿岸警備隊を熱心に賞賛するとともに、ハリケーン・イルマ犠牲者に「我々は100%あなたのためにいる」と語り、フロリダに「何度も」戻ってくると約束した。米領バージン諸島を訪れているが、来週まで早くには起こらないだろうとABCが報じている。









Newsmax最高経営責任者CEO)のChris Ruddyは、トランプ大統領の超党派夕食後、トランプ大統領が「超党派でコーナーを回した」と述べ、大統領を「成果主義の実践主義者、アメリカの権利を扱う。













Mail magazine from the White House 2017-09-14

President Trump Tells Irma Victims "We Are There For You 100%"



"Trump Meets With Hurricane Irma Responders and Victims in Florida"

- Veronica Stracqualursi and Jordyn Phelps, ABC News

Veronica Stracqualursi and Jordyn Phelps of ABC News report about President Trump’s visit to Florida where he surveyed the damage done by Hurricane Irma and met with first responders and residents. This is the third trip in less than three weeks that President Trump has made to the hurricane-battered South. Along with praising FEMA and the Coast Guard for their hard work, the President told Hurricane Irma victims “we are there for you 100 percent” and promised he would be back to Florida “numerous times.” It is also a possibility that President Trump will be visiting the U.S. Virgin Islands, but it wouldn’t happen until next week at the earliest, ABC reports.
Click here to read more


With regards to tax reform, The Washington Free Beacon reports on President Trump’s statement Wednesday “that the middle class is the focus of his tax reform plan” and his emphasis that “he intends to give bipartisanship a shot with his tax reform goals.”


Following President Trump’s bipartisan dinner, Newsmax CEO Chris Ruddy writes that President Trump has “turn[ed] the corner with bipartisanship,” praising the President as “a results-driven pragmatist, a businessman always looking at the bottom line” who is making the right deals for America.


In foreign policy news, Joel Gehrke of The Washington Examiner reports the new sanctions against North Korea are “'by far the strongest measures ever imposed.'” Ambassador Nikki Haley states “we are attempting to take the future of the North Korean nuclear program out of the hands of it's outlaw regime.” However, she made sure to mention that North Korea has a choice and “we are not looking for war.”


And at Fox News, contributor Erick Erickson praises President Trump for empowering female staffers in the White House’s communications team, calling it “a big, bold move.”