- Merrit Kennedy、NPR
昨日のMade in Americaショーケースは成功だった。ホワイトハウスがNAFTAを再交渉し、アメリカの製造業を大胆にする税制改革に乗り出すようになったことから、この出来事が起こった。 NPRは、大統領が「消防車に乗り込み、アメリカの労働者を守ると約束したStetsonカウボーイの帽子を試してみた」と述べている。
Wall Street JournalのコラムニストGerald Seibは、ヘルスケアが共和党連帯を引き離したところで、減税がそれを結びつける可能性があると書いている。 Seibは、医療とは異なり、ポピュリスト/ナショナリスト/ウォールストリート/設立者からのGOPのすべての断片は、中流階級が勝者となる幅広い減税と結婚したことに同意します。 Seib氏によると、「税率を引き下げ、税コードを簡素化するという考えは、共和党員が一丸となることが切実だ」と述べている。そして、「それが成立すれば、私たちはトランプの初年度共和党員が分裂したアイデアではなく、アイデアを持ってアイデアを立てることができたのかもしれない」
ワシントンタイムズ紙によると、国境巡視会議の代表であるブランディン・ジャッド(Brandon Judd)は、国境警備隊の士気は、「私がパトロールしてきた20年ヒル氏は、南部国境での違法犯罪の減少が「何も奇跡的なものではない」と述べたところで、ジャッド氏による別のインタビューで報告している。
The event came as the White House seeks to renegotiate NAFTA and embark on tax reform, which will embolden American manufacturing.
"White House Highlights 'Made In America' Products From Each State"
- Merrit Kennedy, NPR
The Made in America showcase yesterday was a success. The event came as the White House seeks to renegotiate NAFTA and embark on tax reform, which will embolden American manufacturing. NPR describes the event and participants, detailing how the President “climbed into a fire truck and tried on a Stetson cowboy hat as he promised to protect American workers.” Click here to read more.
In regards to the economy, Breitbart reports on recent polling showing that the American people are giving the President “high ratings on the economy.”
Columnist Gerald Seib in The Wall Street Journal writes that where healthcare pulled the Republican coalition apart, tax cuts could unite them. Seib highlights that unlike healthcare, all fragments of the GOP – from the populist/nationalist wing to the Wall Street/establishment – agree that lower corporate rates married to a broad based tax cut that helps the middle class is a winner. According to Seib, “the idea of lowering rates and simplifying the tax code is one Republicans are almost desperate to rally around.” And if “that holds true, we’ll be left to ponder how different the story of Mr. Trump’s first year might have been if Republicans had been able to start with an idea that united them rather than one that divided them.”
The President has vowed to fix the VA. The New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board praises VA Secretary Shulkin for “moving quickly” on recent allegations that the Manchester VA has provided substandard care, while also mentioning legislation signed by the President that will protect whistleblowers and give the Secretary “greater flexibility to hold bureaucrats accountable.”
In securing the southern border, The Washington Times reports that the head of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd, said on Monday that Border Patrol agents’ morale is up under President Trump, saying “in the 20 years I’ve been on patrol, we haven’t’ seen this type of energy.” The Hill reports on a separate interview given by Judd where he says that the decline in the number of illegal crossings at the southern border has been “nothing short of miraculous.”