
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

2017-08-31 From WH ハリケーンハーベイヒーローズ 「これらのハリケーン・ハーベイのヒーローは私たちに人類の最高のものを思い出させる」 Hurricane Harvey Heroes

2017-08-31 From WH ハリケーンハーベイヒーローズ


Hurricane Harvey Heroes





- Clarion-Ledgerのダスティン・バーンズ







ルイジアナ州The Advocate編集委員は、「ハリケーン・ハーベイの犠牲者との連帯を示すために、テキサス州への旅行で、アメリカが災害に触れたときに迅速に対応する価値があることを、大統領が実証した」と述べている。








オバマ大統領の昨年の昨年の経済成長率はわずか1.6%だったことを踏まえると、経済成長率は3%プラスの成長率が特に印象的であると経済学者Stephen Mooreは言う。









2017-08-31 From WH Hurricane Harvey Heroes



"These Hurricane Harvey heroes remind us of humanity’s best"

- Dustin Barnes in The Clarion-Ledger

Dustin Barnes, in The Clarion-Ledger, reports on all the men and women who have stepped up to help their fellow man as Harvey continues to ravage parts of Texas and Louisiana. He writes: “as other large-scale natural disasters have shown us, we can always count on the heroes to show up and help. And Harvey can't scare these champs away either.” His slideshow features rescue workers carrying evacuees to dry land, first responders and volunteers helping to evacuate a nursing home, and Houston Police SWAT officer Daryl Hudeck rescuing a woman and her 13-month-old son from their home surrounded by floodwaters.
Click here to read more.


The editorial board for Louisiana’s The Advocate writes that “in traveling to Texas on Tuesday to show solidarity with victims of Hurricane Harvey, the president demonstrated that he knows the value of responding quickly when America is touched by disaster.”


The Daily Signal reports on President Trump’s tax reform speech on Wednesday, saying he “hit his campaign themes of bringing back American jobs and raising wages in launching his quest for tax reform, while blasting special interest loopholes.”


In The Hill, economist Stephen Moore credits President Trump with the upsurge in economic growth, saying “3 percent-plus growth rates are especially impressive given that the economy crawled forward at just 1.6 percent growth in President Obama’s last year in office.”


The Washington Times reports on the Trump administration’s move Wednesday “to reimpose work requirements for Americans on welfare, revoking an Obama-era policy that had urged states to apply for waivers” and could have undermined successful welfare reforms from the 1990s.