【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-15a 】
Susan Ferrechio氏はワシントン審査官で、トム・コットン(R-AR)上院議員はCIA長官のマイク・ポンペオ氏を国家最高外交官の「傑出した」選考と称賛したと報告している。 Ferrechio氏は、コットン上院議員は、次期国務長官であるトランプ大統領の候補者が、CIA副長官ジーナ・ハスペルをスパイ機関のトップに昇格させることを賞賛したと述べた。
「トランプ大統領は、CIAの監督として最初の女性を指名した」と、ニューヨーク・ポスト紙のリアス・ユスタチェヴィッチは報告する。トランペット大統領は声明で、彼女の任命は「歴史的マイルストーン」であり、彼[Gina] Haspelと[Mike] Pompeo 'は1年以上一緒に働いており、相互の尊敬を集めている」と述べた。
「中小企業経営者は、税制改革のおかげで、これまで以上に景気について楽観的です。 2月のNFIB中小企業経済動向調査の楽観指数は107.6と過去最高を記録した」と語った。 「歴史的に高い数字には、小規模ビジネスオーナーが急増し資本支出を増やし、報酬を上げることが含まれています」とクリンゲル氏は説明します。
【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-03-15a 】
West Wing Reads |
President Trump Visits Border Wall Prototypes
“President Donald Trump on Tuesday stood alongside the prototypes of the wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, the first tangible steps towards fulfilling one of his most popular and persistent campaign promises,” Dan Nowicki, Rafael Carranza, and Ian James report in The Arizona Republic. “If you don’t have a wall system, we’re not going to have a country,” President Trump said in brief remarks during his tour.
Click here to read more.
Susan Ferrechio reports in the Washington Examiner that Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) praised CIA Director Mike Pompeo as an “outstanding” pick as our Nation’s top diplomat. Ferrechio notes that Sen. Cotton “praised President Trump’s planned nominee to be the next secretary of state as well his decision to elevate Deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel to the top position at the spy agency.”
“President Trump nominated the first woman as CIA director,” Lia Eustachewich reports in the New York Post. President Trump “said in a statement that her appointment would be an ‘historic milestone’ and that he, [Gina] Haspel and [Mike] Pompeo ‘have worked together for more than a year and have developed a great mutual respect.’”
“Republican U.S. Senator Richard Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Tuesday he looked forward to supporting Gina Haspel's nomination to be director of the CIA,” Patricia Zengerle writes in U.S. News and World Report. Zengerle adds that “in a statement, Burr, whose committee oversees the Central Intelligence Agency, said, ‘I know Gina personally and she has the right skill set, experience, and judgment to lead one of our nation’s most critical agencies.’”
“Small business owners are more optimistic than ever about the economy, thanks to tax reform. The NFIB Small Business Economic Trends Survey optimism index hit a record high of 107.6 in February,” Leia Klingel reports for Fox Business. “The historically high numbers include a jump in small business owners increasing capital outlays and raising compensation,” Klingel explains.
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