【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-05-04b 】
トンプソン大統領は、木曜日にホワイトハウスで記者会見が行われた毎年の国民祝賀日に、信任拠点であるホワイトハウスの信仰と機会のイニシアチブを確立するために、大統領の最新執行令に署名した。 。
SBAの責任者として、トランプ大統領と協力して賛同して支持することを光栄に思っています - 中小企業が地方、国内、世界の市場で競争し、成功を収めることを保証する」とFox Newsの中小企業局のLinda McMahonは述べています。管理職マクマホン氏は、「税金を削減し、過度に負担をかける規制を巻き戻し、労働力の開発を支援し、アメリカの農村部での機会を増やすことによって、繁栄している経済がさらに強力なアメリカを生むことを示している」と付け加えている。
「医療システムにおける消費者主義の新しい時代を迎え、患者は配送システムの中心にあります」とRealClearHealthのMedemaare Medicaid Servicesの管理者Seema Vermaは書いています。 「患者は自分のケアに関する最良の決定を下すように権限を与えられなければならず、プロバイダーはより低コストでより高い品質を提供することによって患者のために競争しなければならない」
ワシントン審査官は、労働省によると、失業中の請求は45年間で最低レベルで実行されていると報告している。 Joseph Lawler氏は、「新しい新規請求が少ないということは、人がほとんど解雇されないことを意味し、その結果、純雇用創出は高い」と書いている。
●こちらは、多くの外国人が被害者です。あなたも #MeToo 被害者です。
【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-05-04b 】
West Wing Reads |
President Trump Signs Order to Protect Religious Freedom, Establishes New White House Faith Initiative
“During the annual National Day of Prayer commemoration at the White House on Thursday, President Trump signed the latest executive order of his presidency, to establish a faith-based office, the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative,” Emily Tillett reports for CBS News.
“Prayer has always been at the center of the American life. America is a nation of believers, and together we are strengthened by the power of prayer,” President Trump said at the Rose Garden ceremony.
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In the Washington Examiner, Paul Bedard writes that “top White House advisor Jared Kushner this week helped to tighten evangelical community ties to President Trump, this time over sentencing and prison reform.” Bedard reports that evangelicals have said that the “White House has kept the door open to them.”
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is on a mission to help the State Department ‘get its swagger back,’” Jackie Gingrich Cushman writes in Townhall. She explains that Secretary Pompeo’s leadership style “is direct and engaging and appears committed to bringing real change to the State Department.”
“As head of the SBA, I am honored to work with President Trump as an ally and advocate – ensuring small businesses can compete and thrive in a local, national and global marketplace,” writes Linda McMahon of the Small Business Administration in Fox News. Administrator McMahon adds that “through cutting taxes, rolling back overly burdensome regulations, supporting workforce development and enhancing opportunities in rural America, this administration is showing that a thriving economy creates an even stronger America.”
“It’s time for a new era of consumerism in health care, with patients at the center of the delivery system,” writes Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma in RealClearHealth. “Patients should be empowered to make the best decisions about their care, and providers should have to compete for patients by offering them higher quality at lower costs.”
The Washington Examiner reports that jobless claims are running at their lowest level in 45 years, according to the Department of Labor. Joseph Lawler writes that “low new claims mean that few people are getting laid off, and consequently that net job creation is high.”
In The Daily Signal, Fred Lucas writes that Democrats continue to delay a large number of President Trump’s nominees for Federal office. To show the extent of Democrats’ obstruction, Lucas explains that “15 months into his presidency, a speedy confirmation vote has been rare, and 40 percent of Trump’s nominees still await Senate action.”
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