
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

3-22 東京地検 検事正 上 申 書

東京地方検察庁 検事正 八木 宏幸 殿


長 野 恭 博

上 申 書



 貴特別捜査部 特殊直告班へは何度も告訴・告発状を提出しておりますが、最終返戻しは、下記文面でした。



長野恭博 殿


特別捜査部 特殊直告班






 特別捜査部 特殊直告班からは何度も辺戻しを受けております。







 各告訴状・告発状でも 第1章告訴の趣旨で記載しておりますが、国連人権理事会等へも、なぜ犯罪行為に当たるか、なぜ人権侵害にあたるのか、その理由を提出しておりますので、貴庁へ提出の告訴・告発状と表現の一致をとるため以下に転用し記載します。


入管法違反幇助事件 適用法誤りの違法性















主体が特別公務員であること、・・・・事実 警察官、検察官、裁判官です。

人を逮捕・監禁したこと 、・・・・事実として逮捕・監禁されました。




 職権ですが、例えば警察官については、刑事訴訟法(昭和二十三年七月十日法律第百三十一号)第一章 捜査 第百八十九条 


2 司法警察職員は、犯罪があると思料するときは、犯人及び証拠を捜査するものとします。




 それで、犯罪が思料されない不法な 適用法違反の事実を、詳細にのべているわけです。

























 虚偽の書類を提出するなどして、入管法の22の4条の4在留資格取消行為の処分が、法務大臣による国外退去処分でわかるように、在留資格の付与は、法律の規定ではなく、法務大臣の裁量で付与したものであるから、刑事処分にすることは法の論理に反するからです。それで法務大臣の裁量で国外退去の行政処分としているのです。この論理は憲法31条 罪刑法定主義によるものです。何人も国会で成立した法律によらなければ刑罰を科されないのです。




































 事件の概要については、別紙「入管法違反(幇助)事件 まとめメモ」をご覧ください。































































































 中国人は、こうした金は現金が常識です。まして銀行振込で振り込み人名を「姓のみの キン」で行うことは、100%ないと断言します。中国人は常に姓名がセットになっているのです。 
















(以上 で転載終了)













 よって、何度めかになりますが 告訴状を堤出いたします。またもや身内の不祥事ではありますが、いつまでも隠し通して、握りつぶせるものではありません。「検察改革を強力に推進」される証として、どうぞ真摯に対応されますようお願い致します。



  1. 辺戻し書面  12

  2. 起訴状     1件

  3. 新聞記事    1

  4. 告訴状 長野恭博 警察官

  1. 告訴状 長野恭博 検察官

  2. 告訴状 長野恭博 裁判官

  3. 告発状 金軍学  警察官 検察官 裁判官

  4. 告発状 正犯4人 警察官 検察官 裁判官

  5. 告発状 フィリピン人 警察官 検察官 裁判官

  6. 告訴状 長野恭博 マスコミ幇助罪

  7. 告訴状 長野恭博 弁護士幇助罪

  8. 告発状 金軍学  マスコミ控除罪

  9. 告発状 金軍学  弁護士幇助罪

  10. 告発状 正犯4人 弁護士幇助罪

  11. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 東京地検

  1. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 東京高検

  2. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 最高検

  3. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 警視庁

  4. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 法務省


Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office Attorney General Hiroyuki Yagi

May 10, 2016

Yasuhiro Nagano

written statement


 Since you are reported as being appointed to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office on December 11 last year and it is reported that it will be "strongly promoting the prosecution reform", it will be nearly six months, so please fill it with a complaint and a letter of accusation It is to submit.


We have submitted complaints and charges to the Special Investigation Division Special Investigative Division of the National Police Agency many times, but the final return was the following text.


Eastern region special investigation No. 2679

August 19, Heisei 20

Yasuhiro Nagano

Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office

Special Investigative Division Special Regular Notice Group


I have seen 16 written letters (12 letters dated June 19, 2014, 4 dated on the same day 22) entitled "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" sent from you and the Sentinels and materials.

Described in previous editorial documents, why each act such as a policeman, a public prosecutor, a judge, etc. involved in the investigation, crackdown and trial is based on what grounds, why it is supposed to be abuse of official abuse, false complaint It is not allowed to concretely specify criminal facts subject to complaints and accusations only by describing the specific content such as the basis to assert claims as evidence and not based on specific evidence. Therefore, the document etc. is returned to the side.

In addition, although it was stated in the previous neighborhood return document, if documents similar to the past have been circulated to the agency or if it has been sent to the Agency from the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office etc, the criminal records We do not handle it as a complaint / accusation letter prescribed in the Lawsuit Law, and we may not take back borrowing procedures for the documents we sent, so please be aware.


We have been getting back many times from the Special Direct Investigation Division Special Investigative Division of your office.

If it is not acceptable to concretely identify criminal facts subject to complaints and accusations, it should be non-prosecuted.


Therefore, again, on the basis of what basis each act of a police officer, a prosecutor, a judge etc involved in the investigation, crackdown and trial, based on the grounds, why it is supposed to be abuse of official abuse, concrete contents such as the grounds to assert as false complaint etc We have corrected part of it based on a lot of advice, so we will re-submit it as a citizen's rights for many times.


Regarding the prosecution administration of your office, it is an international infringement of international human rights, including the prosecution administration concerning past immigration laws (illegal employment) as well as specific cases described in complaints and accusations We are offering relief to the UN Human Rights Council etc.

In addition,

The first chapter in each letter of complaint / charges. As stated in the spirit of complaints, we are also submitting reasons why criminal acts and human rights violations are also sent to the UN Human Rights Council, etc., so that complaints and charges of submission to your office In order to match the expression with the expression below it is diverted and described below.



Illegality of misappropriation case application law violation of immigration law


 Initially, for the aid to assist illegal immigration to the Immigration Bureau, illegally arrested in 2010, in the case of a general law, the special law "illegal employment promotion crime" specified in the Immigration Act, From the standpoint of complying with international law prohibiting arbitrary disposition to foreigners, it is the law of the law to prioritize the criminal assistance of a certain criminal law, it should be completed with this law , It is allegation that the application of the criminal law assistance crime is a violation of applicable law.


The application of the criminal law assistance criminal offense against illegal work was a mistaken application law and claimed to be illegal, but the Tokyo District Prosecutor's Office rejected it as "being an opinion."

So, as we asked for support from the international community, the problem became bigger, not only for me, Chinese people, Filipinos, but also for international allegations of illegal judicial administration against illegal immigration law against many foreigners including the past It has developed into a human rights violation problem.


 Although the primary offender permits illegal employment, illegal employment is not established only by foreigners.

Illegal employment illegal employment Because there are operators illegally hiring foreigners who want to work illegally working is established. It is exactly the same logic as the prostitution prevention law. Therefore, I think that you can understand the purpose of creating "illegal employment promotion crime".


My argument is that all businesses hiring foreigners who are not qualified to work are not disposed of as "illegal employment promotion crimes" prescribed by the Immigration Control Law without the accusation. If so, illegal employment will not be established, so foreign nominees hired will also be acquitted without fault. And there is no assistant of any kind.


The application of criminal law assistance for illegal employment is a criminal act by violation of applicable law. The offense of police officers, prosecutors, judges, etc. is the "criminal charges of false charges" of the criminal law and is "crime of abuse of the special public officer's authority."


"Crime of abuse of the special public servant's authority" is a crime established by abusing its authority and arresting and imprisoning others. Criminal constitution requirements of official abuses of special public officials As to the suitability,

The principal is a special civil servant, · · · facts It is a policeman, a prosecutor, a judge.

Having arrested and confined a person · · · It was arrested and confined as a fact.

abuse of authority, established by. · · · · Whether abusing official authority,

Abuse is the means by which illegal exercise of authority on duties means that means and methods are not only violent and threatening, but also intention to accept the result against victims legally and virtually It is supposed to be sufficient if it is one that puts pressure on freedom of decision.


For example, for police officers, the criminal procedure law (Act No. 131 of July 10, 1954) Chapter 1 Investigation Article 189

Police officers perform their duties as law enforcement officers according to other laws or by the National Public Safety Commission or the prefectural public safety commission respectively.

2 When a judicial police official thinks that there is a crime, it shall investigate the criminal and evidence.

In addition,

I have stated many times that crimes are not being imagined.

Why are crimes not imagined? That is because it is an arbitrary application law violation.

That is why we are putting in detail the fact of illegal application law violations where crime is not imagined.

Even if you do not need deliberate intentions, there is still unexpected as a specialist in law.

"Special public officials did not know the law" is not allowed.

In addition,

As stated in complaints of complaints and complaints of accusation letters, illegal contents Contents of freedom of decision making are exercised by expressing arrest warrant of false (applicable law violation) and exercise authority on duties.

Criminal offense is established because this obvious illegal act is abuse of official abilities, since crimes of abusing ex official authority of special civil servants does not require deliberation.


False accusation is the act of making a false complaint for the purpose of subjecting others to punishment or disciplinary action.

It is a deliberate criminal, an objective criminal, and "a purpose to make a person receive criminal or disciplinary action" is necessary. In fact, I received a fine of 1,000,000 yen, imprisonment for a year and a half, he was released on maturity without admitting parole. Other foreigners are also punished with fine or imprisonment.

In addition, the public prosecutor is unaware of the job authority, constitutional requirements of crime and the immigration law, and the reason for the return of complaint and accusation letter is no longer a confident organized crime.


 The Immigration Control Act does not limit not only foreigners who work illegally, not to disregard international law only by equality under the law and arbitrarily disposing only foreigners, but also to employers as both "punishment promoting crimes of illegal employment "We are punished severely.

However, even in this case businesses are not disposed of as "illegal employment promotion crime", so it is not equal under the law, so it is a violation of international law because it is arbitrarily criminalized only for foreigners.


 Since we do not dispose of illegally employed businesses, foreigners who have illegally worked must also be innocent.

Because there was no illegal employment, there are also no helpers.


 The police detention center charged with a complainant was overflowing with an arrest of illegal work. It is not uncommon for illegal stay for over 10 years. In many cases, we will not dispose of employers without even arresting illegal employment due to passion, so among illegal foreigners who are illegally working, illegal residents usually do not carry out criminal treatment, is. The problem is a legitimate resident staying at a study abroad visa etc. Regular qualifications in many cases, in contradiction to equality under the law, are being criminalized for fine penalties or the like and arbitrarily withdraw from abroad.


In this case, in order to impose fairness under the law, and not criminalize international law, to criminalize only foreigners arbitrarily with imprisonment, we will make up an assistant to the assistant of "illegal employment promotion crime" It is. Here is the malignancy of this incident.


The act of saying that the content of providing a false employment contract documented by counsel is obviously an irresponsible work irrespective of illegal employment, refers to the act of assisting the cancellation of the status of residence of 22 Article 4, 4 of the Immigration Act.

Since the Minister of Justice granted it at the discretion of the ministerial ordinance, the status of residence by submitting false documents stipulates to cancel the status of residence as the administrative penalty of the Minister of Justice. Therefore, point of counsel is irrespective of illegal employment, it is a violation of applicable law.


The submission of a false document, such as submitting 22 4 Article 4 of 4 Immigration Control Act 4 As to the disposition of the action to cancel the status of residence, as indicated by the Minister of Justice's departure from abroad, granting a status of residence is not a provision of law, Because it was granted at the discretion of the Minister of Justice, it is against the logic of the law to make a criminal disposition. Therefore, at the discretion of the Minister of Justice, we are taking administrative measures for deportation.This logic is based on Article 31 Constitutional Criminal Law. No one will be punished unless it is obeyed by the law established in the Diet.


 In the judgment, it is assumed that the act of providing the false employment contract made easy to obtain the status of residence, but the conditions for granting the status of residence is not the provision of the law, and even the ministerial ordinance which is the only guideline, It only sets the graduation qualification of.


The delivery condition is not disclosed and it can not be said that the act of providing a false employment contract to the status of residence issued at the discretion of the Minister of Justice has made the status of residence easier.

Submission of an employment contract is required by the section manager. It is illegal to have criminal disposition with the criminal assistance criminal as making it easy to obtain the status of residence without the grounds of the law stipulated in Article 31 of the Constitution.


Everyone in the international community!


 Some lawyers say that based on the training at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, the offense is a prison sentence, so anything is unreasonable or unreasonable, anything can be said that assistance charges will be established as a result of assistance acts . It is said that this is a judicial judgment in Japan.

After all, as this country seems not to be ruled under the law, whether it is said that it is one of the Japanese and "opinion", after all, I organized this problem and violated the applicable law I will assert.


In the law of law, the former offender who is illegally employed is innocent because the business that made illegal work is innocent. (Although it is illegal, it is a fine for convention in the past)


There can not be only those who have worked illegally, even though no one has illegally worked.

 If the former offender is attempted (or fined), the criminal assistance charges will not be established.


 Here is the problemIllegal workJust like the prostitution prevention lawIt is self explanatory that it is established because there are businesses that illegally work. We must pursue this.

Equality under the law, contrary to international law, only foreigners who have been illegally worked will receive criminal penalty for imprisonment or imprisonment and be removed from the country!

AndFor criminal acts, the general criminal law assistance criminal charges apply!


 As soon as possible, we will comply with the international law ratified by the National Assembly, become a country governed and punished under the law established in the Diet, claiming that the basic human rights of the people and the people of the world will be protected, Please listen.


I. Introduction


  Punishment for illegal employment under the Immigration Control Act stipulates to dispose of illegal workers for illegal workers and illegal employers for illegal employment promotion crimes.

Originally should be completed by applying this law, contrary to the legislative purpose of the Diet, do not punish the businesses illegally arrest and detain only foreigners, criminal disposition arbitrarily with illegal work crimes It is illegal, contrary to international law.

AlsoIn this case, it is illegal judicial administrative contrary to Article 31 of the Constitution, as it applied the crime aid assistance criminalization, referring to the aid act of canceling the status of residence without any causal relationship with illegal work.


 In this case, judicial officials collaborate with the mass media and operate information and publicize it as if arrested because they performed the act prescribed in "illegal employment promotion crime" to the people, but the indictment is a criminal assault for murder Just like application, against illegal employment of immigration lawForeigners have a principle theory of insulting foreigners who always make a crime if they stay in JapanIf the wind blows, Tubuya is the argument that is profitable, and the criminal assistance crime under the general law is abused.


Businesses that illegally worked were not criticized, but foreigners who were made illegally worked were arbitrarily criminalized under "illegal work crimes" contrary to international law, becoming forced to retreat abroad.

Businesses that illegally worked are not punished at all, and this is an arbitrary act prohibited by international law. It is not a country governed under the law at this. It is not a country that complies with international law.

 While developed countries in the world are suffering from immigration problems, the Japanese government is still adding human rights abuses to deport not only Japanese but also people all over the world in an illegal way as a criminal It is.


 In my case and Philippine embassy affair, I am applying criminal law aid to me and diplomats for the reason of aiding actions for "cancellation of status of residence" which is not related to illegal work against illegal employment . It is exactly the same as North Korea. Japan must be a country governed under the law.


In order to protect the employment opportunities of the Japanese, the Diet punishes foreigners for illegal work and pays them for illegal work, and as a special law as a special law, Article 2 of the Immigration Act 73 illegal work Promotion guilty "has been enacted. The Diet must correct the judicial administration which ignores the legislation, but will not attempt to rectify it.


For an outline of the incident, please see the separate sheet "Violation of Immigration Act (Aid Association) Summary Memo").


The case abused the guilt of assistance of the general law, and Article 31 of the Constitution, "No one is deprived of its life or freedom unless it is based on the procedure prescribed by the law, or can not impose any other punishment" Conversely,


 The conditions for granting status of residence are not disclosed and will be granted at the discretion of the Minister of JusticeNonetheless, we conclude that the status of residence was easily obtained because the documents requested to be provided by the section manager as false,・・・・・Apart from whether I got a status of residence by submitting false documentsWorking within a given status of residence is not illegal work (activity other than qualification), but even though the acts that work outside of the given status of residence are illegal work (activities outside the status of being qualified)

I have applied criminal aid for illegal work for illegal employment because I insulted foreigners' human rights when I made a criminal act (illegal employment) because I made it to be in Japan without any causal relationship.

The provision of the law refers to the law established by the National Assembly (including the ordinance established by the local council in the precedents).


In an effort to punish foreigners only arbitrarily without punishing business operators, they conspired with the mass communication, cheated on international law, pretense citizens appear to have arrested assistants by illegal employment promotion crime, On the other hand, we are applying illegal workers' crimes by misusing the immigration laws of citizens and foreigners, making up an assistant for illegal work by a crime aid for the criminal law of the general law in lieu of a business that made illegal work. I will.


Despite the provision of the status of residence is not the provision of the law but the Minister of Just gives it at the discretion, because it provided false employment contracts, it is possible to easily obtain the status of residence of international and technical skills It was. I was able to stay in Japan because I got my status of residence. I was able to work illegally because I lived in Japan. As I was abusing the criminal assistance crime with a causal relationship which has nothing to do with illegal work, it is illegal out of the logic of law.


As if by law the provision of employment contracts is based on the application of criminal law aiding criminal just as absolute terms of granting status of residenceRegarding the conditions for granting a status of residence, there is no provision in the Immigration Act (Principles) at all.


 The only ministerial ordinance (by-law), the Minister of Justice has established graduation qualifications (academic background) of universities etc. as a condition to grant international status of residence of technology and humanities at the discretion. Therefore, heavy submission documents are "diplomas" certifying educational background.

However, even if it is false with this, because it gives the status of residence at the discretion, it can only do administrative measures to cancel the status of residence.


"Content false employment contract" written in the indictment complies with the smooth administration of immigration administration because it asks for submission by section manager, not by law, and it is stipulated in law It can not be said that it is an absolute document of the status of residence, and the condition of grant itself is undisclosed and it is given at the discretion of the Minister of JusticeIn light of the provisions of Article 31 of the Constitution, it can not be said that it is enough to impose penalties on account of making it easier to obtain a status of residence.

This is also self explanatory because it makes administrative penalty for cancellation of status of residence at the discretion of the Minister of Justice for false document submission.


 The status of residence is given to the individuals of the Japanese nation by foreign nationals and restricts employment within the status of residence, but the work place is not a company offering employment contracts, so it is free to employ at any company or organization And immigration and explained that a company that issued an employment contract and has concluded an employment contract after the Minister of Justice granted a status of residence to a foreigner can not detain the place of work for foreigners .


 Under the Immigration Control Law, as a countermeasure in the event of obtaining a status of residence by submitting false documents, the Minister of Justice sets out a provision to rescind the status of residence, but if you work in a position within that qualification, what is illegal employment It is obvious that it will not. The offense became illegal because I worked outside the status of residence.


 The causal relationship of illegal employment is illegal acts of businesses who worked in off-qualified positions. As punishment including promotion of illegal employment, there is a punishment provision in Article 2 of Immigration Act 73, it is given priority over criminal law deduction for criminal law of the general law, application of criminal law assistance is law It is obvious that it violates the logic.


With the Immigration Control Act, it is stipulated that illegal employment practices should be dispose fairly with illegal workers' incentives and illegal employment promotion crimes.

Regarding submission of false documents, since the Minister of Justice has granted the status of residence at the discretion, the Minister of Justice stipulates that the submitter, the person who has helped and suggested it, be administrative punishment for departure from the country.


 Thus, it is proved that there is no causal relationship between illegal employment acts and acts for rescission of status of residence.


II. The causal relationship of applying assistance crimes is insulting foreigners' human rights.


Apply force aided criminal aid forcedly without applying "illegal employment promotion crime" stipulated as an aid / promotion act against illegal employment Contents False employment contracts offer easy acquisition of status of residence I was able to live in Japan. Since it was possible to live in Japan, it is said that the illegal employment was able to be made and the causal relation between the provision of a false employment contract and the illegal employment crime is clear, ignoring the special law, ignoring international law, It is an indictment that ignores human rights and abuses assistance charges and is a judgment.


It is absolutely impossible for the international community to live in Japan because it made it possible for residents to live in Japan so that they could have committed a crime (illegal employment outside the status of qualification) because of prejudice that if a foreigner lives in Japan, it is a prejudice that a crime is always invited It is a malicious discrimination against an arbitrary foreigner who abused the crime.


 Contents of false employment contracts could facilitate the acquisition of status of residence and could live in Japan if permitted causal relationship of such assistance crime. As I was able to live in Japan, I thought that the causal relationship of murder was evident as being killing, but it is a terrible thing that is not allowed in the logic of law, but the interrogating police official said, "President, Chinese I am illegally working, so I can financially assist you with illegal work ... but if the Chinese were murderers, it is an assistance crime against murder, please be careful! " We are already applying "assistance crime" against homicide. We must pursue this with the help of the international community.


If you think that Japanese who treat foreigners equally is not interesting, they apply criminal charges and make them criminals. The root of human rights abuses is because arbitrary foreign exclusion habits are rooted.

In addition,

Even if you are in Japan, your employment within the status of residence is natural and there is no causal relationship with illegal work (crime) at all. It seems to be bad,


 It is self-evident that it was a business employer hiring foreigners who are not qualified to work as stipulated in the illegal employment promotion crime, because the employment became illegal because they worked outside the status of qualification.


Also, even if you obtain a status of residence with false contracts of employment, it is self explanatory that if you work within the scope of your status of residence, you will not be illegally employed.


 The only thing to be clear is that by the Immigration Control Act, the Minister of Justice stipulates that foreigners who obtained a status of residence as false documents can cancel their status of residence. Since it is applied without illegal work, obviously there is no causal relation with illegal work.


As administrative punishment rather than criminal disposition, because it gave discrimination rather than regulation of the status of residence to the status of residence, it is contrary to the logic of the law to make it criminal disposition, so it is to make administrative penalty for cancellation of status of residence at the discretion .


 Police officers, prosecutors, judges, lawyers and othersIdentifying the status of residence by the Minister of Justice and the entry permit (visa) by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, granting a status of residence They are misunderstanding.


 Grant of status of residence and entry permission (to be in Japan), that is, a seal on the passport (entrance visa) is separate, and even if a status of residence is granted, an entry permit (seal) is obtained in the passport If not, I can not live in Japan.


The immigration permit is given by the Foreign Minister at the discretion to a foreign national who got the status of residence, and the status of residence was granted from immigration, but a visa (a seal on the passport) can not be obtained That is common.


The entry permission criteria for immigration visas has not been disclosed, and we do not disclose the reasons for non-permission and can not file a dispute.


 Is not in the passport (entrance visa) is separate, and even if a status of residence is granted, an entry permit (seal) is acquired in the passport If not, I can not live in Japan.


The immigration permit is given by the Foreign Minister at the discretion to the foreign national who got the status of residence, and the status of residence was granted from immigration, but a visa (a seal on the passport) can not be obtained That is common .


The entry permission criteria for immigration visas has not been disclosed, and we do not disclose the reasons for non-permission and can not file a dispute.Considering various, at discretionIt is reasonable to guess that the Minister of Justice granted a status of residence.


 Even if we enter employment, we frequently protest to cancel the status of residence at the immigration because it is common to not enter the company, but the granted status of residence was granted to foreign individuals, As long as you are in the qualification, you are free to work anywhere, and you have been taught tightly that immigration can not be restrained after immigration if the immigration status is granted. In addition,


So, when I am canceling an employment job office with a Lehman shock, I have not informed the immigration. Some lawyers say that at this time, from the immigration office, if they receive the official document of the above purpose, it is said that no assistance charges will be established, but at such time the immigration office will reply with the official document Is it thing?


 Even if you submit false contracts of employment and get the status of residence of international and technical skills, it is not illegal to work within the scope of your status of residence. This is self explanatory.


I was illegally employed (activities outside the status of qualification) because I worked outside of the given qualifications. It is because there was a business operator to work outside the status of qualification. This is also a trivial idea.


 It is obvious that it is a crime of arbitrary violation of the applicable law to summarize the crime aid for criminal law, contrary to the purpose of creating illegal employment promotion charges.


Although it seems awful, there is absolutely no causal relation between obtaining the status of residence of international and technical skills and humanities at discretion from the Minister of Justice and illegal employment.

At the discretion of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, there is absolutely no causal connection between having been able to live in Japan with a visa (immigrant visa) and visiting illegal workers.

In addition,

Even if you are in Japan with a status of residence by obtaining a status of residence by submitting a non-false employment contract, you are illegally working if you do illegal work (activities outside your qualification) even if you are in Japan.


If you gave a status of residence by false employment contracts, the Minister of Justice can rescind the status of residence according to Article 4 4 ​​of Immigration Act 22, so this also has no causal connection with illegal employment.


The Immigration Control Act prohibits foreign workers who have illegally worked as illegal workers, illegally working businesses who illegally worked for illegal employment promotion against the illegal employment (activities outside the status of being qualified) It is impossible to say that it is not equal under the law to punish arbitrarily foreigners who have been illegally employed by illegal work as they are not punished for illegal workers, It is contrary to law.


For many years, Japan has been making arbitrary foreign workers illegally working even now, and if it is not convenient, Japan is expelling only foreigners arbitrarily as criminals. It is absolutely disgusting act.


In lieu of law experts, police officers, prosecutors and judges who obliged the illegal employment promotion officials to replace the aid supporters, provided that they provided false employment contracts and made up as false deceiters for illegal employment ,

For foreigners, under the auspices of false advocates of false charges, they are charged with illegal work as illegal employment,

Applying the criminal law aiding criminal charges against illegal workers against fraudulent assistants is a common act of judicial judgment in Japan, but it can be said that it is a violent criminal act internationally.


 As a result of the above, it is self-evident (innocence) that no one has worked illegally if no one has punished him for illegal employment for promoting illegal employment. Therefore foreigners who work illegally are innocent. Then you will be innocent (not guilty) that there are no assistants of any illegal work.


III. At the end


 Police officers approach confessions that "accept in general theory."

The prosecutor in the interrogation compels confessions by saying "I am great, I am fine if I admit it, I am imprisoned if I do not acknowledge it."

It can not be said that it is a judicial administration of a state that advocates freedom and democracy, such as criminal disposition in general theory, but unfortunately this is the actual condition of Japanese judiciary.

And, in order not to make the prosecution review committee review the prosecution's non-prosecution act, it is the abuse of prosecution monopolisticism, not criticizing the prosecution letter / complaint as non-prosecution, squeezing it as unacceptable because the prosecution administration in Japan is.


Even at trial, the prosecutor asserts that transfer payment under the name "Kin" to Refco is proof from "Kin Gungaku" as proof that intention was assisted in assisting.

As for Chinese, cash is common sense in these money. Indeed it is asserted that it is not 100% to do the name transfer by bank transfers with "Kin only by surname". The Chinese always have their first and last name set. In addition,


However, I am pursuing with a legal theory, not as such facts but as Japan is governed under the law, protecting basic human rights including foreigners, and becoming a country that complies with international law It is.


Although it seems awful, in the Immigration Control Act regulating the treatment of foreigners, it is the national proposition to comply with the international law which is the treaty approved by the Diet under the Constitution.


In contrary to the legislative intent of the National Assembly that adheres to international law for many years, Japan has not punished businesses that illegally worked against illegal employment against illegal work against international law, against the illegal purpose of the Diet , He punished only foreigners arbitrarily for fines and imprisonment for illegal work and punished them for deportation.


This case is larger than the Japanese abduction issue by the North Korean government and the Japanese comfort women issue by the Japanese army, and the number of foreign victims is enormous.


If the Japanese government adheres to international law, apologizes to foreigners arbitrarily disposed of, and promptly restores honor and reparations, the international credit of Japan will be harmed and will impose a great price on later generations It becomes.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, for the international community, and in holding the G7 in Japan, even at the annual parliamentary greetings, Japan is a country governed under the law, protecting fundamental human rights, complying with international law Although I pride himself,

Japan must be governed under the law as soon as possible, protected from fundamental human rights, and must comply with international law. In addition,


Please, support us. In addition,

(This completes the reprint)


In addition, since prosecutors who have revamped complaints and accusations sent by the complainant in the past have obstructed the exercise of the right, they have also filed complaints filed for prosecuting offense for abuse of authority, so the prosecutor However, it is inappropriate to be involved in acceptance and investigation of accusations and accusations, so please take care.


After World War II, I am a Japanese who received education such as freedom and democracy in the United Nations army (US Kin Gungaku), governance under the law, respect for fundamental human rights, compliance with international law. Thank you very much.

However, although it is no longer an old man, the Japanese government (judicial administration) does not govern under the law against some Japanese and many foreigners, causing serious and organized human rights abuses. Help me. I have reported the facts to the international community at the beginning of and I have found support.

In addition,

If I further exploit prosecution monopolisticism and do unacceptable acts, it is also a fundamental problem of the Japanese justice system itself, so I must further appeal to the international community. Of course, a reply to this complaint / accusation will be the voucher.

Some countries have received words of encouragement, but the best is that the Japanese are governed under the law by the Japanese, the basic human rights are protected, and countries that adhere to international law I think that should be done.


Means for restoring honor is 'request retrial.' However, we can not request a re-trial of "mistake in application law". However, it can prosecute crimes of police officials and prosecutors involved in the case, and if the crime is confirmed, you can request "retrial."

I hope that the prosecution will voluntarily request a retrial as a proof that Japan's judiciary realizes governance under the law, respect for basic human rights, and compliance with international law.

In addition,

Therefore, I will submit a complaint to you a couple of times. It is again a scandalous affair inside of you, but it is not something you can squeeze through forever and keep it hidden forever. As a proof that "prosecution reforms are strongly promoted", please take care so seriously.

that's all


1. 12 side documents returned

2. 1 indictment statement

3. 1 newspaper article

Four. Court complaint Yasuhiro Nagano Policeman

Five. Prosecution letter Yasuhiro Nagano public prosecutor

6. Court orders Yasuhiro Nagano Judge

7. Charges Kin Gungaku Police Officer Prosecutor Judge

8. Charged letter Four offenders 4 policemen prosecutor judge

9. Accusation letter Filipino police officer public prosecutor Judge

Ten. Litigation letter Yasuhiro Nagano Media Assistance Assistance Crime

11. Accusation letter Yasuhiro Nagano lawyer assistant crime

12. Accusation letter Kin Gungaku academic press deduction

13. Account letter Kin Gungaku lawyer assistant crime

14. Charged letter Four former offenses assistant lawyer

15. Accused letter abuse of official authority Tokyo District Prosecutors Office

16. Complaint Official abuse authority Tokyo high public inspection

17. Penal Code offense abused for offense of offense

18. Complaint Official offense abuse offense Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

19. Complaint letter abuse of official authority sin guilty

that's all

3-21 警視庁   上申書

警視庁 警視総監 殿

平成27年 2月 6日

長 野 恭 博

上 申 書

 安部首相が言われている日本を法の下で統治される国にするために、警視庁 警視総監にお願いいたします。








































 検察・警察の悪の根は深いものがあります。悪の根を断ち切るためにも、検察官ら特別司法職の犯罪を隠して、握りつぶして、隠滅しようとした、東京地検特捜部、直告班の検察官から、改めて告訴したいと思いますので、警視庁 警視総監として、警察行政が適切に行われるように、関係部署に苦言を呈して頂きたいと思います。















































































 わたくしが管理する、100以上のHPサイトやブログで、この事件の事実を公表し支援をもとめます。(合計して 1万人/日 以上の訪問者があります)














警視庁 警視総監も、職責をもって、犯罪の特性や状況を踏まえ、一刻も早く、立ち上がってくれるとの期待をこめて筆をとりました。



Metropolitan Police Department general superintendent

February 6, 2015

Yasuhiro Nagano


written statement

 In order to turn Japan into a country governed under the law, Prime Minister Abe is said to ask the police general of the Metropolitan Police Department.


In 2010, I was imprisoned for imprisonment for 1 year and a half in a case of violation of Immigration Control Act, I fined a fine of 1 million yen and appealed to the Supreme Court, but the Supreme Court acknowledged my claim of the penal code the principle However, it was not a constitutional violation but merely as an application law mistake, because it was not a matter to be considered by the Supreme Court by the Criminal Procedure Law, it was rejected as a request for a retrial, so I was sentenced.


In the Criminal Procedure Law, requests for retrial of applicable law errors are not allowed, but since we can request a retrial if there is a criminal fact of a policeman or a public prosecutor, I will consult with the physical condition after the expiration date, Heisei During the period from May 26 to early August, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Special Attention Division posted that the arrest detention contrary to the criminal offense was a crime of abuse of the special civil servant office, and the prosecution and prosecution were false charges (punishment) as a lie , We filed a criminal complaint.


At the same time, the Chinese who were considered as accomplices are exactly the same as myself, and the Chinese of four former offenders who are illegally working (activities outside the status of qualification), despite the fact that employers are not punished by illegal employment promotion charges Because he received a sentence of imprisonment (execution suspension), he was charged with criminal charges as contrary to equality under the law.


 However, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office special prosecutors' department does not accept any number of submissions, as "criminal facts are not recognized as being specified specifically."


This case does not contest the facts such as evidence.

It is enough to have only the indictment and the provisions of the law.

Japanese are deprived of life and freedom only by law, which was established in the Japanese parliament.

I do not violate Japanese law at all. Please look at the indictment.


 Please see the counsel written in the indictment.

We do not count the number of charges for assisting the criminal law of "Illegal employment (activities outside the status of qualification)" under the Immigration Control Act.

For reference, assistance charges against illegal employment of the Immigration Control Act are not applied for the aid of the criminal law,

"Illegal employment promotion crime" is given to the Immigration Control Act. (The former officer was hired by the business operator)

  The cause (the reason for crime) is attributed to factors (criminal reasons) of the provision clause of "Immigration of residence status" of Immigration Control Act. However, the principal offender is not punished for "cancellation of the status of residence" of Immigration Control Act.


Suppose that a crime aid and a criminal law aiding criminal law of "Illegal employment violation of immigration law (activity outside the status of qualification)

Even if you change your criminal law aiding criminal charges against "cancellation of status of residence for violation of Immigration Control Act"

And even if you are punished for "cancellation of your status of residence", it is administrative penalty for deportation abroad.

Disposition as an assistance criminal penalty for criminal law can not be done against administrative penalty of forced deportation of former offenders abroad.


 This case is a violation of Immigration Control Act. The order of application of law is constitution, treaty, special law, general law.

It is ignorant, incompetence, unsightly as it is ugly to misrepresent the level of law that even amateurs around the world understand.


 To the Supreme Court, counsel does not understand the logic of law,

The accused swept the deterrence of the defense counsel,

As a defendant, I submitted a "appeal", arguing that the judgment is a violation of the applicable law and that it is a constitutional violation.


Because the defendant and the prosecutor can do the request for a retrial, the prosecution admits the crime (fault) obediently,

Prosecutors voluntarily request a retrial, withdrawing indictment, restoration of the defendants' honor,

It is a wonderful Japanese way to compensate victims for compensation for recovery of infringement of property rights, compensation cost etc.

In addition, the relevant department is to strive to the victim as a perpetrator, sincerely sincerity, compensation.

The government is responsible for restoring the health and property of the victim guaranteed by the Constitution with responsibility.


Prosecution · The roots of evil of the police are deep. In order to break the roots of evil, I would like to appeal again from the prosecutors of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors 'Office, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Office, the direct advertisement group who hid and crushed and crushed the offenses of the special judicial officials, As a police general police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, I would like to make complaints to relevant departments so that the police administration can be done properly.


Also, since the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors 'Special Prosecutors' Department said that they do not accept complaints, they are increasingly abusing official authority, so there is no way for ordinary citizens who do not possess public power to deal with it.

Therefore, we will submit to the Metropolitan Police Department again, so we will attach documents so that we can properly deal with the law after confirming the constitutional interpretation, legislative purpose of the law and interpretation .


Current situation in Japan


The incident assisting violation of the Immigration Control Act is what happened under the DPJ administration. It was a dark era.

The judicial and public security department of the Communist Party regime such as China was doing the same thing as doing an impolite judicial public security administration.


 Besides this incident, it is not a crime violation, but the former Minister of Justice of the Democratic Party of Japan, Keiko Chiba, has abolished conditions of employment for Chinese international students only by changing ministerial orders.

International students from China acknowledged that they were allowed to take care of any occupation in an unlimited time. It means that you can do water sales or customs as a hostess.

In addition, Chiba Keiko has made it impossible for the immigration officers and police officers to conduct a joint investigation.

These things have been turned back to the Abe administration. The Japanese people were relieved.

 There is also a Japan - China Tax Agreement. Although it is a treaty with other countries, it is an agreement with China.

It can be changed without approval of the Diet.

The Democratic Party has tax exemption for part-time jobs only for Chinese international students.

Whether you work in a hostess or a custom, only international students in China are granted grants and are exempted from taxes.


This Japan-China Tax Agreement is a very unequal agreement. For Japanese companies and employees in Japan and Japanese students, there are no measures similar to preferential treatment for Chinese companies and their employees and international students in Japan. Even though it is an agreement, I think it is difficult to heal inequality as soon as possible.


The worst policy at the international student visa at the Democratic administration is that it expanded the scope of international student visa to vocational schools. Actually, it is a purpose of hiring a study abroad visa, although it is a purpose of employment, was originally aided in helping to be fraudulent.

It became the Abe administration and gradually improved, but I think it will take time.


While I was relieved by the administration of justice in the administration of the Abe administration, I filed a complaint to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office,

It seems that sweet honey licked under the Democratic administration can not be forgotten, and even under the LDP administration the insurgent judicial administration continues.


Whether under the rule of the LDP, knowing this fact, I hope that the people can rest assured, regain the rule under the law.



I do not violate Japanese law at all, but the content is false criminal name (assistant violation of immigration law)

A prison sentence of 1 year and a half imprisonment, a fine of 1 million yen, detained for 1 year and 10 days, and I was sentenced to 1 year and 10 days, the spirit and the body became terrible. I also lost all my wealth.


This case is a simple incident called Immigration.

Therefore, I believe that such cases as I received are happening in everyday situations, not exception.

It is frightening.


To the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department Organized Crime Control Department,

"Do not lick Sakurada Gate, accept it in the general opinion"


To prosecutors, to say about the criminal law of prison,

"Who do you believe in what you say (criminal justice)"

"I am great, I am fine if I admit it, I can also imprisonment if I do not approve of it"

'I can arrest even your wife'

I am a beautiful Japanese, beautiful Japanese, who can recognize the illegal social gangster!

"I send it to Eee Prison!"


To lawyers, to say the criminal law of prison,

"The logic of law is special to me"


 In addition to me, Kim Military (accompanying with me) and four former offenders are also tried this case.

Of course, a lawyer (excluding one former offender) is also attached.

The result is imprisonment punishment (because we approved it, with execution suspension).


Police officers, prosecutors, judges, attorneys in this relationship

All judicial officials involved in this case (Supreme Court peeping)

I am sorry for sacrificing criminal justice.

In addition,

Even from this point, it seems that it is not a mistake of some judicial officials.

The judicial official seems to be committing a crime in the nation.


Last year, from May to August we filed a criminal complaint against the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office,

As mentioned earlier, it is sacrificing criminal justice.


The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors 'Special Prosecutors' correspondence was as expected.

It was evidence that Japan was not governed by the criminal law.


However, it is not something that clasps the criminalized crime violation. I think that neither the Japanese people nor the international community as a democratic nation will allow it.


We will also prosecute and charge charges in Japan as far as we can get assistance from Japan and the international community.

This time, the National Police Agency, Tokyo High School · · · · · Government ruling party, Minister of Justice, Japan Federation of Bar Associations · · ·

And we will request support from domestic and foreign universities, human rights organizations, the media, governments and UN agencies.


No more prosecutors will clench and repeat the crime and deal with it promptly not to bring out new criminals.


In order to rule Japan under the law, I believe that a beautiful Japanese will stand up.


Appeal to domestic public opinion

With over 100 HP sites and blogs that I manage, I announce the facts of this case and ask for support. (There are more than 10,000 visitors per day in total)

Public officials will also stand up for internal accusation.


Request for support to the international community

In this case, the Chinese are also being sacrificed,

I will ask Chinese residents in Japan to move the Chinese government with posting to China and SNS.


Invited by residents of Korea and other countries in Japan,

We urge each country to take up as a human rights issue in Japan.


I think that it is impossible, even as judicial officials in Japan hold hands,

I believe that the international community and the United Nations will move and will act.


I must make Japan a beautiful country. We must do society where there is no example where evil flourished. However, I think that non-prosecution (accusers) people are suffering masks today and are going to commit crimes.

The police general of the Metropolitan Police also took the brush with expectation that it will stand up as soon as possible based on the characteristics and circumstances of the crime with responsibility.


Above, thank you.

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-23 ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領は、世界の指導者と会談し、国連で彼の最初の演説を今週は彼の最初の国連総会に参加した

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-23



<iframe width="780" height="439" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JxT-bNAEKpY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


















国連総会でメアニア・トランプ大統領 | 2017920日(アンドレア・ハンクスの公式ホワイトハウス写真)










Mail magazine from the White House 2017-09-23



<iframe width="780" height="439" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JxT-bNAEKpY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The United Nations General Assembly in Photos

President Donald J. Trump participated in his first United Nations General Assembly this week where he met with world leaders and delivered his first speech at the U.N.

See the week in photos


President Trump Defines American Leadership

At the 72nd United Nations General Assembly this week, the President delivered a message of putting each countries' citizens first and joining together to combat common challenges. The President met with leaders across the globe as he reaffirmed America's strong bonds with our allies and discussed how we can work together toward promoting peace and prosperity and uphold sovereignty and accountability.

See more from the week at the United Nations


Hurricane Maria

President Trump and his team continue to monitor Hurricane Maria and are working to gain greater access to disaster affected areas. The President has approved emergency declarations for Hurricane Maria impacted areas in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Additionally, the President has ordered the Department of Defense to provide support to Mexico.

Get more information for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands







First Lady Melania Trump at the United Nations General Assembly | September 20, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)



Today, the Vice President will meet with the Governor of Maine at the White House to discuss health care and tax reform and will then travel to Indiana to discuss health care and tax reform with local business leaders. Tomorrow, First Lady Melania Trump will lead the Presidential delegation to Canada to attend the Invictus Games Toronto 2017.



2017-09-22:特命全権大使 閣下、日本の「人道上の犯罪」を許さないでください!「ICCへ提訴した日本政府の人道上の犯罪シリーズ」NO3です。 このメールは、国際社会に、地球上の人道上の犯罪を撲滅するために、 私の住む身近な日本での不法な司法行政を暴露していきます。

2017-09-22:特命全権大使 閣下、日本の「人道上の犯罪」を許さないでください!





















No4 に続きます









2017-09-22: HE Mr. Excellency of Plenipotentiary and Plenipotentiary,
Please do not forgive Japanese "humanitarian crimes"!

This crime is an outrageous crime by Japan's judiciary against international law.
For details, please refer to the application form (information provision) to ICC as follows.


Please consult with your home government
and condemn the Japanese government in the United Nations etc.
Such 'humanitarian crimes' should be condemned by the United Nations.
And it is to solve complaints to governments.

If not, if you think it should be solved by terrorism,
I do not expect your country anything.

Following are the presentations on today's President Trump,
embassies in each country, the world media, parliamentarians,
It is contents that I emailed "series of humanitarian crime facts"
by judicial administration.


2017-09-22: Today, I played President Trump,
"The Japanese government's humanitarian crime series that sued the ICC" is NO 3.

This e - mail will expose the illegal judicial administration
in Japan familiar to me to eradicate the humanitarian crime
on the earth to the international community.

The Government of Japan is an immigration issue that the world is suffering from.

It is a "humanitarian illegal criminal act" not based on international law,
Japan Constitution, Immigration Act (immigration law)
We have made foreign workers who entered for a legitimate reason as criminal offenders,
disposable for reasons of illegal employment,
and leave the country. (In world standards,
dealing with foreigners who are illegally employed is merely a mere exclusion of compulsory exile)

This criminal act is completely different from President Trump 's "American first principle",
same as maintaining and strengthening the Abe administration
which misuses North Korea's nuclear missile problem,
is extremely violent criminal act.

As for the solution in Japan,
appeals to Diet members have been exhausted and we will appeal to the international community.

In Japan, all the parliamentarians,
including the Communist Party,
are parliamentarians in the dangerous militaristic era.

I will prove with the fact.

We have already filed complaints (information notices) to the ICC,
but please understand what is violent in the international community and everyone.

And also against the ICC,
in order to solve the terror problem,
please put pressure on the top priority to condemn this problem.

Please see below for the contents of the complaint against ICC (information notice).

If this problem is solved,
I think that terrorist acts of terrorism despairing the problem solving
in legalism in international law can be eradicated.

Below we will provide the following contents of the series to the President of Trump.

Today's e-mail content,

Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.

Today, I again say the purpose of mailing this series.

I am doing this mail because Japanese judicial administration,
To legitimate immigration,
foreigners are being illegally and arbitrarily criminalized
and being expelled from the country contrary to the Japanese Constitution,
Immigration Act (Immigration Act),
International Convention (International Act) I am appealing.

It is different from the expulsion of foreigners to illegal immigrants as President Trump said.

President Trump has not asked for legitimate immigration to leave the country against international law.

The international community, "human rights" and "humanitarian" must take care.

I think President Trump has cherished "human rights" and "humanitarian".

The Japanese Government's illegal acts,
Please check by clicking the URL which is described every time.

President Trump and "Ministers in charge of human rights
and humanitarian affairs" Please check
and move the Japanese government for the international community. Please.

Follow No 4

Let's stop the terrorist crime of North Korea!
Let's stop terrorist acts by terrorists!

To do this, it is best to stop the humanitarian crime
in the international law of the country! In case

Details of the case (summary) (indictment) are below.

President Trump as a world police officer,
and everyone in the international community, act!
Best regards,

Yasuhiro Nagano

Documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) can be viewed below!
(Generally unpublished)

For uncertainties, please contact us!



2017-09-22【国会議員への意見配信】拉致に「良い」「悪い」はありません。 この拉致監禁は、日本の司法関係者が犯している、「適用法違反」の恣意的な犯罪です。


第7条 人道に対する犯罪





































「大統領の目標についてはっきりしており、彼とどのように参加したいかについて簡潔に述べている」と語ったそれらを達成することを望むかもしれない。ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-21 愛国心と主権の再評価

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-21 愛国心と主権の再評価



Reasserting Patriotism and Sovereignty

- Newt GingrichFox News


Fox Newsの政治家であるNewt Gingrichは、「国連総会における彼の大統領の最も重要な演説のなかで、トランプ大統領は、世界の舞台におけるアメリカのリーダーシップの新しい基準を概説した」と記している。トンプット大統領の演説は、第二次世界大戦までの間に「ウィンストン・チャーチルの警告を思い起こさせる」ものであり、加盟国が「国家主権意識を再確認する」という大統領の呼びかけに耳を傾けたいと願っている。自己防衛の重要性。大統領の演説が「発散的、孤立した、そして危険な」と見える人もいるが、トランプ大統領は国連のすべてのメンバーが期待していることを繰り返し述べている。









オバマケアのニュースでは、フーバー機関のLanhee Chenは、The Wall Street Journalに、Graham-Cassidyの廃止法案が「ObamaCareの最も不評の規定を廃止し、コスト削減、選択肢の拡大、連邦財政責任の促進、州や消費者に戻ってくる。


















Mail magazine from the White House 2017-09-21

Reasserting Patriotism and Sovereignty



- Newt Gingrich, Fox News

Newt Gingrich, a political contributor for Fox News, writes that “in one of the most important speeches of his presidency” at the UN General Assembly, President Trump “outlined a new standard for American leadership on the world stage.” Gingrich further comments that President Trump’s address was “reminiscent of Winston Churchill’s warnings,” in the years leading up to World War II, and that he hopes the member nations will listen to the President’s call to “reawaken their sense of national sovereignty,” and be aware of the importance in defending themselves. While some may see the president’s speech as “divergent, isolationist, and dangerous,” this view ignores history as President Trump simply reiterates what every member of the United Nations is expected to do: put the interests of its own citizens first, Gingrich concludes.
Click here to read more


In The Washington Times, syndicated columnist Cal Thomas writes that President Trump’s speech to the UNGA may have been his “finest speech as president,” saying “it was clear about the president’s objectives and concise about how he and any nations that wish to join him might hope to achieve them.”


In ObamaCare news, the Hoover Institution’s Lanhee Chen writes in The Wall Street Journal that the Graham-Cassidy repeal bill “would eliminate some of ObamaCare’s most unpopular provisions and enact reforms that would lower costs, expand choices, promote federal fiscal responsibility, and give power back to states and consumers.”


Regarding tax reform, in The Daily Signal, the Heritage Foundation’s Patrick Tyrrell and Anthony Kim state that “America’s high and uncompetitive corporate tax rate encourages American companies to relocate overseas, taking jobs, opportunities, and economic freedom with them,” saying that “the solution is to reform the corporate tax so it no longer takes away the economic freedom of America’s working families.”


On immigration, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) comments in The Arizona Republic that Congress should work with the President to build a southern border wall, saying the media and others inside the Beltway “conveniently” ignore “the dangers an unsecured border poses to American communities.”


And in The Washington Times, the Potomac Strategy Group’s Matt Mackowiak remarks that President Trump has racked up a string of successes recently, highlighting the recent legislative deal on the debt ceiling and hurricane relief funding, the introduction of a new Obamacare repeal bill, and the President’s speech at the UN General Assembly.



ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-20大統領は、米国の成果を祝って、トランプ大統領が語った「爽やかな」誠実さについて、さらに言及している。キンボールは、近年ホワイトハウスから「聞いていない」と言っている。大統領のイラン、北朝鮮、社会主義国のベネズエラに対する批判はまた、キンボール氏からも「ドナルド・トランプが文明力によって果たした偉大なサービス国家主権の雄弁と勇気づけられた防衛」と述べた。

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2017-09-20 




- Roger KimballAmerican Greatness







ロイター通信は、国連総会の報道によると、文部省(モン・ジェエン)大統領の就任は、国連でのトランプ大統領のレトリックが「強固かつ具体的」であると賞賛し、日本の菅吉英官房長官は、 「トランプ大統領の北朝鮮政策立場の変化へのアプローチを高く評価する」と述べた。




税制改革では、全米製造業者協会の社長兼最高経営責任者CEO)のジェイ・ティモンズ(Jay Timmons)はRealClear Politicsに、競争法の税法を作成することについて、「大げさで大胆に考えるべきだ」と書いている。大統領が議論したように、15%を超える。




デイリー・シグナルは、税制改革が第4世代の家畜牧場家Julie Ellingsonに与える影響について報告している。彼女は、「ドナルド・トランプ大統領の税制改革についての行動、特に死刑の免除は、彼女の家族にビジネスを渡すことができる」と語った。














Mail magazine from the White House 2017-09-20

Trump's U.N. Speech was a Triumph




- Roger Kimball, American Greatness

Roger Kimball writes in American Greatness why President Trump’s address to the United Nations General Assembly was a triumph, stating the President articulated the signal lesson of successful international relations: that “freedom within nations, and comity among them, is best served not by the effacement or attenuation of national sovereignty but its frank and manly embrace.” Kimball further comments on the “refreshing” honesty President Trump spoke with as he celebrated American achievements, something that Kimball says he does “not recall hearing” from the White House in recent years. The President’s criticism of the rogue regimes of Iran, North Korea, and the failed socialist state of Venezuela also received praise from Kimball as he concludes by saying “the world will soon recognize the great service Donald Trump has done for the forces of civilization through his eloquent and impassioned defense of national sovereignty.”
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In news on the United Nations General Assembly, Reuters reports that the office of South Korean President Moon Jae-in praised President Trump’s rhetoric on North Korea at the UN as “firm and specific,” and Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga has stated that Japan “greatly appreciate[s] President Trump’s approach to changing North Korea’s policy stance.”


On tax reform, Jay Timmons, the president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, writes in RealClear Politics that “we should think big and go bold” with regard to creating a competitive tax code, saying the corporate tax rate “should be no higher than 15 percent—just as the president has argued.”


The Daily Signal reports on the effect that tax reform could have on fourth-generation cattle rancher Julie Ellingson, with her saying that “action by Congress and President Donald Trump on tax reform, and specifically eliminating the death tax, is essential for her to be able to pass on the family business to her children.”


Regarding the Graham-Cassidy bill, The Wall Street Journal’s Kristina Peterson and Louise Radnofsky report President Trump’s encouragement for Senate Republicans to support the proposed Affordable Care Act repeal, saying he hoped the Senators would “fulfill their promise to Repeal & Replace ObamaCare” by voting for the bill.


The Washington Times’ Sally Persons reports Senator Deb Fischer likes the idea of giving states more authority in building health insurance models in their states: “I think it’s a great model that the senators have come up with.” Sen. Fischer has not announced whether she will support the bill, but has said she is taking time to read through the legislation, Parsons concludes.