
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン:2017-07-15:「シュルキンの5ヶ月間の仕事では、VAは活気の渦であった。"In Shulkin’s five months on the job, the VA has been a whirlwind of activity:" 「真実のオバマケレ瞬間」 - 編集部、ウォールストリートジャーナル

ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン2017-07-15:「シュルキンの5ヶ月間の仕事では、VAは活気の渦であった。"In Shulkin’s five months on the job, the VA has been a whirlwind of activity:"






- 編集部、ウォールストリートジャーナル







トランプ大統領のフランス訪問は輝かしい成功でした。 AP通信社のビビアン・サラマ会長は、ワシントン・ポストの大統領、トランプとマクロンで「気候変動の差異を残しておく」と述べ、双方のリーダーがシリア紛争の解決と総合中東安全保障の強化に協力することを約束した。








National ReviewJim Geraghty氏は、退役軍人の質とケアを向上させるため、VA事務局のDavid Shulkinの「クイックスタート」の概要をVAに掲載しました.Geraghty氏は、「VAの改革の幅広い部分がトランプ政権初年度の最も重要な成果である」と述べた。






"In Shulkin’s five months on the job, the VA has been a whirlwind of activity:"


"Obamacare Moment of Truth"

- Editorial Board, The Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board describes that after months of cross negotiations between conservative and GOP moderates, the Senate will face a “watershed” moment next week, when it votes on Obamacare repeal and replace. The new bill “includes expanding eligibility for insurance subsidies, increasing subsidies for out-of-pocket expenses,” finances high-risk pools, stabilizes the insurance markets, “dispenses $45 billion for heroin and opioid abuse treatment,” and maintains Medicaid reform. The vote next week will “force Republicans to honor their avowed principles – or betray them,” it pens.
Click here to read more.


President Trump’s visit to France was a glowing success. The AP’s Vivian Salama reports via The Washington Post on Presidents Trump and Macron "set aside lingering differences on climate change," noting that both leaders committed to working together on resolving the Syrian conflict and to enhance overall Middle Eastern Security.


Noting the “Trump Effect,” former U.S. officials praise the Israeli-Palestinian Water deal, Haaretz's Amir Tibon writes, with “experts who worked for both Republican and Democratic administration on the issue in the past” saying the agreement shows “both sides are willing to demonstrate their good intentions to Trump.”


In improving the quality and care for our veterans, National Review’s Jim Geraghty has written a synopsis of VA Secretary David Shulkin’s “quick start” at the VA, with Geraghty noting that “a wide range of reforms at the VA may turn out to be the most significant accomplishment of the Trump administration’s first year.”


Regionally, the Tennessean’s Dave Boucher reports via USA Today on the lack of interest towards Russia displayed by “Trump country,” with multiple interviewees stating their support for the President on economic issues. While National Review’s Michael Barone writes on how, by levying “impeachment, charges of racism, [and] open-borders advocacy” against President Trump, his opponents may be overstretching their boundaries and hurting their own cause.