
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

<公開メール>助けてください! 拝啓 英国首相 テリーザ・メイ  閣下   2018年2月7日    NO1:  NewsWeekによると、「 トランプ、先制核攻撃へ一歩──小型核弾頭開発を表明」(「Trump Wants New Smaller Nukes To Scare Enemies」)の見出しで、ドナルド・トランプ米政権は2月2日、中期的な核戦略の指針となる核戦略見直し(NPR)を発表し、爆発力を抑えた小型核兵器の開発を打ち出した。アメリカが核兵器を本当に使うと敵国に思わせることで、抑止


拝啓 英国首相 テリーザ・メイ  閣下   2018年2月7日   


 NewsWeekによると、「 トランプ、先制核攻撃へ一歩──小型核弾頭開発を表明」(「Trump Wants New Smaller Nukes To Scare Enemies」)の見出しで、ドナルド・トランプ米政権は2月2日、中期的な核戦略の指針となる核戦略見直し(NPR)を発表し、爆発力を抑えた小型核兵器の開発を打ち出した。アメリカが核兵器を本当に使うと敵国に思わせることで、抑止力を強化する狙いがある。



 今日の説明は「実録、法に基づかない不法な逮捕・監禁」NO:010 です。

NO:011 へ続きます。


日本法だけ でなく国際法違反です。


テリーザ・メイ首相 ガンバレ。そして私たちを助けてください!敬具。





<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Telesa Mei February 7, 2018

NO 1:

According to NewsWeek, under the heading "Trump Wants New Smaller Nukes To Scare Enemies", "Declaring the Development of Small Nuclear Warheads - One Step towards First-Stop Nuclear Attacks", the US administration on February 2, medium-term We announced nuclear strategy review (NPR), which is a guide for nuclear strategy, and developed the development of small nuclear weapons with reduced explosive power. There is an aim to strengthen deterrence by making the enemy country make the enemy country feel that the US really uses nuclear weapons.

Does a small nucleus mean nuclear bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? . Would you say a smaller nuclear bomb? . Even nuclear bombs used more than 70 years ago, massive, general Japanese were killed. However, the war ended. I thought that the Japanese never wanted to fight again. It would be Japanese as much as I was pleased with losing the war. Japan lost the war, but the USA, the winner, taught Japan the freedom and democracy, the control under the law, and the compliance with international law. I am grateful to America.
A country that the United States attacked with miniaturized "tactical nuclear weapons", as in Japan, abandon war
If you are going to enjoy freedom and democracy, I agree that America will use "miniaturized tactical nuclear weapons". If America wins and defeats a defeated country, it is the opposite!
Prime Minister Teliza May! Please support us to make Japan a country governed under the law.

NO 2:

Today 's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 010.
None of the employees responsible for eating and drinking establishments where four Chinese worked were arrested. Details will be described later, but illegal work is illegal because there are operators hiring foreigners who are not qualified to work. Elementary school children can understand that they can not work illegally if they do not have an employer even if they want to work illegally.

For this reason, the National Assembly creates a provision of "illegal employment promotion crime" under the Immigration Control Act and dispose of businesses that illegally worked for both companies and individuals under both penalty provisions punishing both.
However, this law called "illegal employment promotion crime" hardly applies. In the street, it is said that it is an adhesion between the police and the business operator. In case
As an excuse, an excuse was passed that it did not know such a law. That is why the Diet enforced the provision that "I do not know why" because the enforcement on July 1, 2010, "Imperial employment promotion crime" of Immigration Control Act did not approve. Moreover, it is to put a grace period of 3 years for complete implementation.
There are other amendments to the Immigration Control Act that came into force on July 1, 2010. Those who made preparations or assisted lying documents to other foreigners under the provision of "Cancellation of Status of Residence" It is a provision that it makes it to administrative disposition of deportation.
Continue to NO: 011.

NO 3:

Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government.
Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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