
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

<公開メール>助けてください! 拝啓 英国首相 テリーザ・メイ  閣下   2018年2月9日    NO1:  読売新聞によると、安倍首相は7日、来日中の米国のペンス副大統領と首相官邸


拝啓 英国首相 テリーザ・メイ  閣下   2018年2月9日   



  今日の説明は「実録、法に基づかない不法な逮捕・監禁」NO:012 です。
 この4人の内の1人は結婚していて、奥さんから L社に電話がありましたので、私は中国大使館に事情を説明して、領事支援や弁護士等の支援を受けるように説明したのですが、前記の結果になりました。中国大使館は日本政府のハニートラップにかかっているのでしょう。中国人民をなんら救済しなかったのです。

NO:013 へ続きます。

日本国家による移民、難民に対する扱いをめぐる人道上の犯罪を支援してください。日本法だけ でなく国際法違反です。


テリーザ・メイ首相 ガンバレ。そして私たちを助けてください!敬具。





<Public mail> Please help me!

Dear Sir or Madam, UK Prime Minister Teliza May, February 9, 2018

NO 1:
According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reached a meeting with Vice President Penns of the U.S., which he came to Japan on July 7, to maximize the pressure on North Korea, which will continue to develop nuclear and missile development, at a prime minister's official residence . By agreeing that North Korea will participate in the Pyeongchang Pyeongchang winter Olympics which will be held on the 9th, it also agreed to call on Korea, which is inclined to a coalition route, to continue the pressure route. In a joint press announcement after the talks, the Prime Minister said, "While evaluating the South-North dialogue towards the success of the Pyeongchang Olympic Games, we must face the fact that North Korea pursues the nuclear and missile program in a relaxed manner." Emphasis. "We agreed to appeal that North Korea's" smiley diplomacy "should not be stolen."
In addition, President Stein Meyer, who came to Japan, said on 7th, "The international community must unite and respond to the threat of North Korea," he said, while continuing to put pressure on it and explore the way of dialogue I recognized that it was.

There is a temperature difference in the "way of dialogue" to North Korea, but Japan, the United States and Germany are consistent with "keeping pressure on". I hope that North Korea will do its true "smiley diplomacy" as soon as possible, abandoning the development of nuclear weapons and missiles.
To that end, the international community should unite and unite.

NO 2:
Today's explanation is "Illegal arrest / confinement not based on law, law" NO: 012.
One of the four people was married and a wife called L company, so I explained the circumstances to the Chinese embassy and explained to get consular support and assistance from lawyers etc. Although it is the above result. The Chinese embassy will be hanged by the Japanese government's honey trap. I did not save any Chinese people.
After the release, I received a sentence of imprisonment (suspension of execution) as an assistant to me at the Chinese embassy. I do not violate Japanese law at all.
Four Chinese also sent letters and materials to protest the Japanese government because they are innocent under the law and are innocent as they are being arbitrarily disposed of, so the embassy officials called Yes, "The Chinese embassy does not say significance to what the Japanese government does".
Even if I explained that "This is contrary to Japanese law and contrary to international law," it was only to overthrow the Japanese government. Since the Chinese people suffering from a honey trap does not have ginger also to the other party, we decided to wait for your majesty of Xi Jinping Jintao.

The Chinese people in Japan say that the Chinese embassy would like to accept any treatment from the Japanese government. Since China has a large population, about 1000 or 2000 people are free to take any human rights violation.
As expected, in the communist country, I thought that there is no individual human rights other than the Communist Party executives.
Continue to NO: 013.

NO 3:
Please support humanitarian crimes concerning treatment of immigrants and refugees by the Japanese state. Not only Japanese law but international law violation.
Not only me but a lot of foreigners such as Chinese and Filipinos are being sacrificed. Please save from 'humanitarian crime' by the Japanese government. Please submit the materials to be submitted to ICC as below.


Teliza May, Prime Minister Gambare. And please help us! Best regards.

Yasuhiro Nagano

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