イギリスのマンチェスターで22日でテロが起きました!イスラム国が犯行声明を出したことが分かりました。これをうけ、イギリス政府がテロの警戒レベルを最高に上げました 。
そして日本では、国際組織犯罪防止条約(TOC条約・パレルモ条約)を批准するための国内法である「組織犯罪処罰法改正案」 について、国連の特別報告者であるジョセフ・ケナタッチ氏が懸念の書簡を安倍首相に送りましたが、日本政府は従いません!しかし国際組織犯罪防止条約が何のテロ対策にもならないことが証明されました。
To the media of the international society News from Japan tips, email to President Trump:
It proved that President Trump was right. In the case of
Why is terrorism occurring in countries that have ratified the International Organized Crime Treaty? 2017-05-25
Common delivery to media
2 e-mails to President Trump
1. It proved that President Trump was right.
2. Why is terrorism occurring in countries that have ratified the International Organized Crime Treaty? 2017-05-25
Below details
1. Terrorism occurred on 22nd in Manchester, England!
It proved that President Trump was right.
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
On 18th May, Joseph Kenatachi, a special reporter of the United Nations, directly addressed the Prime Minister Abe saying, "There is a danger of unlawfully restricting privacy and freedom of expression" about the conspiracy charges bill I sent it.
However, ignoring the government, we vigorously voted "Proposed Amendment of Organized Crime Punishment Act". It is just before the war that went through the League of Nations after refusing the "Report of the Litton Study Team". Like North Korea, it is a serious act of ignoring UN warnings.
I'd like to ask the president. At the G7 to be held this month, the six countries will ask Japan to Japan to dismiss this bill. Both the president and the Japanese people hate terrorism. In order to protect Americans from terrorism, the president issued a presidential order to restrict the entry of Muslims who are causing terrorism many times, but he was bashing, but Prime Minister Abe lied to the people and measures against terrorism To
We are trying to monitor the people like China and North Korea, saying that ratification of the International Organized Crime Convention Treaty (TOC Convention - Palermo Convention) is necessary. It is fundamentally different from President Trump 's anti - terror measures. At G7, please center on human rights issues including counter-terrorism measures.
Why is terrorism occurring in countries that have ratified the International Organized Crime Treaty?
Why do countries ratifying the International Organized Crime Prevention Convention are not concerned by the development of domestic laws from the United Nations?
I would like to file a complaint with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights office against the illegal treatment I received from the Japanese government in 2010 "Personal notification system" Because we have not ratified the system, we can not do it. I think it is better to ratify the "personal reporting system".
Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/
Please support a lawsuit against the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,
2. Why is terrorism occurring in countries that have ratified the International Organized Crime Treaty?
Why do countries ratifying the International Organized Crime Prevention Convention are not concerned about the improvement of domestic laws from the United Nations?
Dear Sirs, I am Japanese. I respect the great president.
On 18th May, Joseph Kenatachi, a special reporter of the United Nations, directly addressed the Prime Minister Abe saying, "There is a danger of unlawfully restricting privacy and freedom of expression" about the conspiracy charges bill I sent it.
However, ignoring the government, we vigorously voted "Proposed Amendment of Organized Crime Punishment Act". It is just before the war that went through the League of Nations after refusing the "Report of the Litton Study Team". Like North Korea, it is a serious act of ignoring UN warnings.
I'd like to ask the president. At the G7 to be held this month, the six countries will ask Japan to Japan to dismiss this bill. Both the president and the Japanese people hate terrorism. In order to protect Americans from terrorism, the president issued a presidential order to restrict the entry of Muslims who are causing terrorism many times, but he was bashing, but Prime Minister Abe lied to the people and measures against terrorism To
We are trying to monitor the people like China and North Korea, saying that ratification of the International Organized Crime Convention Treaty (TOC Convention - Palermo Convention) is necessary. It is fundamentally different from President Trump 's anti - terror measures. At G7, please center on human rights issues including counter-terrorism measures.
Why is terrorism occurring in countries that have ratified the International Organized Crime Treaty?
Why do countries ratifying the International Organized Crime Prevention Convention are not concerned by the development of domestic laws from the United Nations?
I would like to file a complaint with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights office against the illegal treatment I received from the Japanese government in 2010 "Personal notification system" Because we have not ratified the system, we can not do it. I think it is better to ratify the "personal reporting system".
Documents to be submitted are below. http://www.miraico.jp/?????/
Please support a lawsuit against the International Criminal Court. I pray the president for happiness! Best regards,
Yasuhiro Nagano