
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

3-24 最高検 上申書

最高検察庁 検事総長 殿


長 野 恭 博

上 申 書


 理由は、東京地方検察庁へは何度提出しても不当な理由で受理しないこと、また東京高検、警視庁、法務大臣千葉地検なども受理しないので理由をのべて、日本の捜査機関のトップである最高検察庁 の検事総長に提出したのです。




平成27年 8月7日

長野恭博 殿










長野恭博 殿


特別捜査部 特殊直告班
















 職務権限についての記載は、告訴状では、例えば 第3章.注釈的説明で 警察官の職務権限 で 刑事訴訟法(昭和二十三年七月十日法律第百三十一号)第一章 捜査 第百八十九条 警察官は、それぞれ、他の法律又は国家公安委員会若しくは都道府県公安委員会の定めるところにより、司法警察職員として職務を行う。○2 司法警察職員は、犯罪があると思料するときは、犯人及び証拠を捜査するものとします。




















主体が特別公務員であること、・・・・事実 警察官、検察官、裁判官です。


人を逮捕・監禁したこと 、によって成立します。・・・・事実として逮捕・監禁されました。


 職権を濫用したか否かですが、濫用とは、 職務上の権限を不法に行使することで、
























「捜査、取締り及び公判に関わった警察官、検察官、裁判官等の各職務行為がいかなる根拠に基づき、なぜ職権乱用に当たるとするのか、虚偽告訴と主張する根拠などの具体的内容が判然とせず、具体的証拠に基づかない主張を記載しただけでは告訴・告発の対象となる犯罪事実が具体的に特定されているとは認められません」 よって不起訴とする とすれば良いだけです。























 不受理または返事が遅い場合は、日本の検察行政では、憲法31条に基づく、罪刑法定主義にもとづき、法の下での統治がされないことの証左でありますので、全ての政党の国会議員に文書で訴え、立法の立場で司法行政の誤りを正し、その責任を追及していただきます。 (但し、刑事処分は裁判所の仕事です)







































「ええーい もうういい!刑務所に送ったる!!!!」






















 私は、東京地検に対する信頼は、全くありませんが、元検事総長 但木敬一氏の書いた「司法改革の時代」(検事総長が語る検察40年)中央公論新社 2009年5月10日発行  を読みなおして、未だ最高検については信頼をしております。どうぞ国民の「信」を裏切らないでください。





  1. 辺戻し書面  12

  2. 起訴状     1件

  3. 新聞記事    1

4,6月19日付 上申書


  1. 告訴状 長野恭博 警察官

  2. 告訴状 長野恭博 検察官

  3. 告訴状 長野恭博 裁判官

  4. 告訴状 長野恭博 弁護士幇助罪

  5. 告訴状 長野恭博 マスコミ幇助罪

  6. 告発状 金軍学 警察官 検察官 裁判官

  7. 告発状 金軍学 弁護士幇助罪

  8. 告発状 金軍学 マスコミ控除罪 

  9. 告発状 正犯4人 警察官 検察官 裁判官

  10. 告発状 正犯4人 弁護士幇助罪

  11. 告発状 フィリピン人 警察官 検察官 裁判官

  1. 6月22日付 上申書

  2. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 東京地検

  3. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 警視庁

  4. 告訴状 職権乱用罪 法務省

  5. 告訴状 職権欄表在 東京高検



  1. 上申書 警視庁 警視総監

  2. 上申書 法務大臣

  3. 上申書 東京高検検事長

  4. 告訴状 長野恭博 警視庁他  黒紐綴じファイル 1冊 


Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office Attorney General

August 27, 2015

Yasuhiro Nagano

written statement

 I submitted a complaint and a letter of accusation to the Attorney General's Office in accordance with the Supreme Petition on June 19, 2015 and June 22, 209 as shown in the attached sheet.

The reason is that even if it submits to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office no matter how many times it is submitted, it will not be accepted for unreasonable reasons, and we will not accept Tokyo High Public Prosecution, Metropolitan Police Department, Minister of Justice, Chiba District Public Prosecutors etc. I gave it to the attorney general of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office.


Approximately one and a half months later, we received the following registered mail from the office.


August 7, Heisei 20

Yasuhiro Nagano

Supreme Procuratorate

About the handling of the document

A letter entitled "Sentinel" sent by you (one dated 19 June this year, one dated 22 November), a document titled "complaint letter" (5 dated on June 19, Four drafts on 22nd of the same month), a document titled "Accusation letter" (6 dated 19 June this year) and all the enclosed materials were delivered to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office as of today.



In particular, the supervision and supervision department of your office will grasp and analyze information from inside and outside about illegal and improper conduct of officials of the public prosecutor's office, investigate the facts as necessary, and also about the overall operation of the prosecution's organization Since we are supposed to agree on necessary information, etc., we are hoping for appropriate guidance etc. based on these, so we expected the proper prosecution administration, but after about two weeks the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors listed all documents submitted Has been sent back.


Eastern region special investigation No. 2679

August 19, Heisei 20

Yasuhiro Nagano

Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office

Special Investigative Division Special Regular Notice Group

I have seen 16 written letters (12 letters dated June 19, 2014, 4 dated on the same day 22) entitled "accusation letter" and "accusation letter" sent from you and the Sentinels and materials.

Described in previous editorial documents, why each act such as a policeman, a public prosecutor, a judge, etc. involved in the investigation, crackdown and trial is based on what grounds, why it is supposed to be abuse of official abuse, false complaint It is not recognized that the criminal facts subject to accusations and accusations have been specified specifically, merely by describing the specific content such as the basis to assert that it is not based on concrete evidence. Therefore, the document etc. is returned to the side.

In addition, although it was stated in the previous neighborhood return document, if documents similar to the past have been circulated to the agency or if it has been sent to the Agency from the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office etc, the criminal records We do not handle it as a complaint / accusation letter prescribed in the Lawsuit Law and also do not take the borrowing procedure on the sent documents etc, so please be aware.



According to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors' Special Investigation Division, what kind of duties such as police officers, public prosecutors, judges, etc. involved in the investigation, control and trial are based on the grounds, why they are supposed to be abusing official authority, the grounds for claiming false charges It is not allowed to concretely specify criminal facts subject to accusations and accusations only by describing specific content and not claiming based on specific evidence. It is unreasonable even if again.


As you think that you saw the indictment, everyone who studied the law, including a lawyer, looking at the counsel, is said to be illegal because it is a criminal assistance criminal act for Article 4, 4, 4 of the Immigration Act.


Prosecutors, police and persons involved in the Ministry of Justice who sent complaints / charges of complaints are not meaningful about this, so there is no doubt the fact that it is a false charge under the words of the "Supreme Court" if the words of the Supreme Court are taken.


The issue is the criminal offense of a special civil servant related to the investigation and the trial.


It is whether the special criminal offense would be a crime of not being mere negligence, arresting / confinement, inspecting, detention, indictment, proceeding with detention due to mistake in applicable law.


For the description of job authority, in the complaint, for example, Chapter 3. Criminal Procedure Act (Law No. 131 of July 10, 1952) under the authority of the police officer in annotative explanation Chapter 1 Investigation Article 189 A police officer shall, respectively, Or perform as a judicial police officer according to the provisions of the National Public Safety Commission or the Prefectural Public Safety Commission. ○ 2 When a judicial police official thinks that there is a crime, it shall investigate the criminal and evidence.


In other words, if you believe that there is a crime you can arrest and ship.

However, as attached to the prosecution letter of evidence, the auspices of Article 22-4 - 4 of violation of Immigration Act are not crimes.


But the fact was arrested and captured. That is because there was a crime of special officials abuse of their own authority.

This is stated in the complaint and the letter of accusation.

The crime of abuse of the special civil servants official authority is exactly the law assuming cases like this case.



 The Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that for a complaint, the criminal procedure law merely states that "a person who has suffered harm caused by a crime can file a complaint" (Article 230 of the same law), and with regard to the accusation, "When anyone thinks that there is a crime We can prosecute "(Article 239 (1) of the same law).


 It is therefore understood that criminal victims can prosecute and anyone who thinks that there is a (other) crime can be charged.

Therefore, it can not be interpreted that acceptance of accusations and accusations is left to the discretion of the prosecutor who is authorized to accept complaints and accusations.


 For public officials abuse of their own authority, in order to abuse their authority by civil servants, the civil servants must have general job function (ex officio). According to the precedent, the "official authority" referred to in this crime is not necessarily accompanied by legal enforcement, and if it is abused, let the opponent who exercises authority do no obligation It is said that sufficient authority is sufficient if it is sufficient to interfere with the right to doSecond Supreme Court Second Minor Court Decision on January 28, 1987 Penalty 36 Vol. 1 No. 1 page)。


 Note: The public official is a judicial police officer, general officials' authority (ex officio) is police officers.


"Crime of abuse of the special public servant's authority" is a crime established by abusing its authority and arresting and imprisoning others. Criminal constitution requirements of official abuses of special public officials As to the suitability,

The principal is a special civil servant, · · · facts It is a policeman, a prosecutor, a judge.

Misuse of authority, · · ·

(3) arresting and confinement of people. · · · It was arrested and confined as a fact.


Whether abusing official authority, abuse is the fact that by illegally exercising authority on duties,

It is said that the means and methods are not limited to violence and intimidation, as long as they can press down on freedom of decision making to the extent that it is legally and virtually impossible to accept the result to the victim.

 For criminal reasons, submit a false document (a false contract of employment) and apply to the alien (the offender) who got the status of residence, the immigration law "cancellation of the status of residence" (dealing with deportation) Refers to the act of assisting,

Assistance for violating the Immigration Act (illegal employment due to activities outside the status of qualification) that the content was created by providing a false contract of employment to the former offender against the act of violation of immigration law (illegal employment due to activities other than the status of enforcement) As a criminal act, it is illegal to apply the criminal assistance crime.


 As stated in the facts of complaints, we apply to the court the lie and arrest warrant, etc., illegal contents, etc. by presenting a warrant arrest warrant to oppose freedom of decision making and exercise authority on duties .


Since crimes of abusing ex official authority of special civil servants do not require intention, therefore, this obvious illegal act is abuse of office, so the crime is established.


In this way, police officers, prosecutors, and judges are special civil servants, if a special civil servant illegally arrested and captured, it is a crime. It is not necessary for the complainant to teach the public prosecutor of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors, how the official authority seems to be, how the interpretation of the law is. If it says strongly it is the role of the Supreme Prosecution.


Regarding false accusations, though there is willfulness as to whether it is deliberate or not, we have described this in detail in the complaint letter and the accusation letter.


It is a crime of abuse of official abuse as this is saying how it is said that police officials, prosecutors and judges have the job authority even though they are writing many times. is.

As I say most, the general public is not doing judicial exercises on how to write indictment on charges of prosecution. The accusation letter / letter of complaint declares that the crime was done to the investigating agency, only providing the trigger for the start of the investigation.


It is the prosecutor's job to create a prosecution letter to investigate and investigate criminal cases and submit it to the court. If the crime is not to be considered a mere prosecution, you can simply prosecute.


If the facts and opinions of my complaint / accusation are different,

The criminal point of view is legal as the official authority of the police officer, the prosecutor, the judge, and it can do not prosecute.

Or as it is, as a reason for not filing,

"On the basis of what grounds each of the duties such as police officers, prosecutors, judges involved in the investigation, crackdown and trial, based on the grounds, why it is supposed to be abuse of official abuse, the specific contents such as grounds to assert as false complaint etc Nevertheless, it can not be accepted that criminal facts subject to accusations and accusations are specified specifically, simply by listing claims not based on specific evidence. "


Please also indicate in the indictment letter and letter of complaint please do so by all means.

Because it is the wish of the complainant / accuser, please by all means describe it like that and do not prosecute. If you have the honor of the prosecutor, you should accept it according to the wish of the complainant and write an excuse if you do not prosecute.


 Of course, in that case, it goes without saying that we will file a meaning to the prosecution review board. The examination result is to be issued by the prosecution review board.


 The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office repeatedly repeatedly tried to prosecute monopolistic and repeatedly failed due to unfair reasons, and guidance of the Supreme Public Prosecutors? Since he is ignoring it, he is a confident criminal, so he must be decided and convicted.


 Therefore, you should understand that it is inappropriate to forward to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.


And since the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors 'Special Prosecutors' Department is also a non-complainant as a criminal offense for official abuse, it is inevitable to be inappropriate as an investigator in charge of the district court investigation.

Since prosecutors other than the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors 'Special Prosecutors' Department are also included as non-complaints in charge of complaints and accusations, they are also inappropriate as investigators of the complaints and accusations.


 Again, we will re-submit the detained indictment letter and letter of accusation, so the prosecutor of the highest inspection with the highest knowledge of law will go to the Tokyo District Public Prospectus with the letter of complaint of the submission and the accusation letter , You should respond by direct investigation by the Tokyo District Prosecutors Office.

 If we are to prosecute, we will prosecute as prosecuting from the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office (Delegation from the Supreme Public Prosecutors) who is not a non-petitioner and prosecuting the Tokyo District Court (Philippine Embassy Case from the Yokohama District Court to the Yokohama District Court?).

Of course it is appropriate to treat it as non-prosecution.


If you do not accept this advice, if you decide not to accept it, please write down the reason and return it to yourself directly.


I believe that we have already reviewed the application in the last submission so we believe that the results will be delivered within a few days as soon as this petition arrives.


In the case of non-acceptance or late reply, the prosecution administration in Japan is a proof that under the Constitution Article 31 under the Constitutional Law principle that the rule under the law is not governed, it is a document to the parliamentarians of all political parties Appeal with, from the standpoint of legislation correct the mistakes of judicial administration, we will pursue its responsibility. (However, the criminal disposition is the work of the court)


Of course, documents submitted to the Supreme Inspection will be open to all domestic and overseas submissions.

It will be open to the public on the Internet as well, so it's fair because I think that it will be too bad.


The important thing is that even if you point out the mistake about having punished as arrested and imprisoned for illegal reasons not based on the law and punished as a prison sentence, the special civil servants who committed the crime did not reflect on it. further,

 Even if the crime is pointed out, the prosecutor who investigates does not accept complaints and accusations for unfair reasons, interferes with the rights of the citizens, it is just an organizational crime, and the rule under the rule is absolutely It is a fact not done.


I am not so much appreciated by Japanese parties and parliamentarians. In case of problems in the National Assembly, I know the habit of making problems for winning a horse if it is a problem in the press or a problem in the international community.


 In this violation of immigration law, we are not expecting because the mass media is accusing charges as an assistance crime.


Therefore, the truth is not governed under the law by the judicial administration of the Japanese government, the United Nations etc. condemn the human rights violation of the Japanese government to the government of the Chinese and the Filipino who are victims who were illegally abducted and made into criminals I will appeal to fight together to make Japan a governed country under the law.


Furthermore, we are calling on other countries, such as Korea, that are not subject to accusation this time but people who have been forcibly repatriated by Immigration Control Law violation, illegal employment of activities outside the status of qualification, without disposing of employers, It is appealing that having taken away only foreign countries is contrary to international law and equality under the law. I think this correspondence is a serious problem because there are many victims.

In addition, Japan will call on the international community to support governance under the law by Japanese penal code theory under Article 31 of the Constitution.


Furthermore, in the Russian Federation and France etc, we will appeal the infringement of human rights by the Japanese government and repression of prosecution charges etc., taking into account that this incident is a victim of human rights violation.


I think that the international community will understand and support if persistently appealing.


It is not an exception with North Korea. Regarding the abduction of Japanese nationals in North Korea, the Japanese government has made a big international problem as a human rights issue, but even though the Japanese government itself is not doing any crime, at least Chinese, Philippine and Japanese The official constitution abducted me for a long time. There should be more abduction victims.

The problem is still to be silent without sacrificing any reflections or apologies, is to seize the case. This is a naughty nation beyond North Korea. In addition,


Ironically, the North Korean government may be the first to stand up for human rights violations by the Japanese government.

In any case, if the public prosecutors office has no self-purification capability, it is necessary to use the power of the international community to make it a beautiful country governed under the law, as Prime Minister Abe says.


Of course, we will also provide information to domestic and international press.

Doing this will impair the national interests of Japan, but it is "If you do not trust it will not stand" (see below). Everything is at the highest investigations. I would like to regain a democratic country governed under the law for the next generation.


 Because the habit of young judicial police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department can not say the basis of the law,

"If you lick Sakurada Gate, you are neje! Appreciate in the general opinion!" Such a foolish thing ...


 Since the young prosecutor of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office can not say the logic of law,

"I am great! If you acknowledge it is fine, you can be in jail for prison if you do not approve!" And press a confession.

In terms of criminal law, he says, "Who believes you say (guilty-guessing principle)?"

I certainly did not believe a lawyer. But,

I am a beautiful country and a beautiful Japanese. Who kneels to evil! !

"Sorry it sent you to jail !!!!"

So I was sent to prison!


 As many have said, if you commit a crime, be thoroughly reflective and apologize seriously. And we are sincerely looking forward to reviving property damages and damages. It is the first time there is room for liberalization of circumstances.


There must not be examples in which evil flourishes. So I will fight thoroughly more than ever, betting on governance under the law, respect for basic human rights! !


 If you do not have self-cleaning ability in the highest inspection, think of the phrase "Do not believe if you do not believe" in the thesis.


"Children, ask children, sons, add food, add soldiers, people and believe in this.

As a child tells, if you definitely leave him and you leave, whichever comes first in the three of them.

Said, I will not leave the soldiers. Saying, if you always acquire yourself and leave, do not bring any of them before such two people.

He said, "I am out of the food. There is every death more than ancient, people will not believe without belief. "


Children asked about politics (governance by law).

The teacher told me. Ensure sufficient food and sufficient armaments, to make people trust politics.

As far as son tribe inevitably stops throwing away, if it says which one to do first among these three, the teacher was told that he will cut armaments.

If you throw it away without stopping by any means, which one you are going to do in these two, throw out food. People will die without food, but everyone has death from long ago.

 If the people do not trust it will not stabilize. It was said. I think that's the meaning of.


The days of Confucius and now are different. Modern age is democracy. The era of democracy is the politics of the judicial administration where the rule under the rule is done. "Trust" is the only thing between citizens and judiciary.


 I have no confidence in the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office, but the former attorney general manager Keiichi Tajiki wrote the "era of judicial reform" (the prosecutor general 40 years of prosecution) Central affairs new company Issued May 10, 2009 I read it again and still trust about the highest inspection. Please do not betray the people's "faith".


Also, please never forward to the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office. If you forwarded the responsibility is at the highest inspection.

that's all



1. 12 side documents returned

2. 1 indictment statement

3. 1 newspaper article

4, Sentinel on June 19


Five. Court complaint Yasuhiro Nagano Policeman

6. Prosecution letter Yasuhiro Nagano public prosecutor

7. Court orders Yasuhiro Nagano Judge

8. Accusation letter Yasuhiro Nagano lawyer assistant crime

9. Litigation letter Yasuhiro Nagano Media Assistance Assistance Crime

Ten. Charges Money Martial Arts Police Officer Prosecutor Judge

11. Account letter Military lawyer assistant crime

12. Accusation letter Military academic press deduction

13. Charged letter Four offenders 4 policemen prosecutor judge

14. Charged letter Four former offenses assistant lawyer

15. Accusation letter Filipino police officer public prosecutor Judge


16. Scripture dated June 22

17. Accused letter abuse of official authority Tokyo District Prosecutors Office

18. Complaint Official offense abuse offense Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department

19. Complaint letter abuse of official authority sin guilty

20. Accusation Official Authority Officer Tokyo High Public Prosecutors Office


The former complaint / prosecution letter of the offense for abuse of official authority

twenty one. Supreme Metropolitan Police Department Police general officer

twenty two. Justice Minister of Justice

twenty three. Prosecutor's Office Tokyo High Public Prosecutor Attorney General

twenty four. Litigation letter Yasuhiro Nagano Metropolitan Police Department and other black string binding file 1 book

that's all