【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-12b 】
ホワイトハウスの工場労働者との会合で、スティーブンス大統領は、鋼材で25%、アルミニウムで10%の関税は、国内産業を救援し、国家の安全を守ることを約束し続けている、とDave Boyerは報告するワシントンタイムズで。
"我々は労働者を保護したい。私たちは鉄鋼産業とアルミニウム産業を保護し、構築しなければなりません」とTrump大統領はRoosevelt Roomで2つの宣言に署名する前に述べました。
シアトル・タイムズ紙のベンジャミン・ロマーノは、「多くの小売業者は、一時的な従業員の賞与や引き続き恒常的な賃金引き上げに税引き義務を費やす計画を発表しています。ロスト氏は、小売賃金が上昇するにつれて、23万3000人以上の労働者の報酬を今後も維持するつもりだと経営幹部は指摘している。 ]価格を下げる。
ウォールストリートジャーナルでは、Joseph Semprevivoは次のように書いています。 Smucker Co.は先月、慈善団体に100万ドルを寄付し、従業員年金制度に2千万ドルを投資し、5,000人の従業員に1,000ドルのボーナスを与えると発表した。食品メーカーはほとんど一人ではありません。税制改革の結果として、400以上の米国の雇用主が同様の動きを発表しています。ナンシー・ペロシ氏はこれまでに何百万人ものアメリカ人に300億ドルの収入増をもたらしたと語っています」Semprevivoは、トランプ大統領の税制改革が自分のような中小企業経営者に希望を与えていると付け加えています。 「米国経済は激しさを増しており、私のような中小企業はそれに関連している」
ホワイトハウス上級顧問のJared Kushnerは火曜日、健康記録と相互運用性へのアクセスを優先させる計画を発表しました」とTom SullivanはHealthcare IT Newsで報告しています。 「大統領は、すべてのアメリカ人にとって相互運用性を現実のものにすることを決意している」とKushnerはHIMSS18会議で発言した。
【USA Mail magazine from the White House 2018-03-12b 】
West Wing Reads |
Trump signs tariffs on steel, aluminum as national security ‘necessity’
“In a meeting with factory workers at the White House, [President Donald J.] Trump said the tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum keep his campaign pledge to rescue the domestic industries and protect national security,” Dave Boyer reports in The Washington Times.
“We want our workers to be protected. We have to protect and build our steel and aluminum industries,” President Trump said before he signed the two proclamations in the Roosevelt Room.
Click here to read more.
In The Seattle Times, Benjamin Romano writes that “many retailers have announced plans to spend their tax-cut windfalls on one-time employee bonuses or more enduring wage increases. As retail pay is boosted, Costco intends to keep compensation for its more than 239,000 workers ahead of the pack, executives said Wednesday as the company reported its quarterly results.” Romano notes that Costco “plans to invest the tax savings in its employees [while] lowering prices.”
“After ruling Gaza with an iron fist for a decade, Hamas has a pathetic track record,” Assistant to President Trump Jason Greenblatt writes today in The Washington Post. Greenblatt, who serves as the President’s special representative for international negotiations, says that America is “ready to work with any party truly interested in peace to reach this goal. Solving the situation in Gaza is an important step toward resolving the ultimate problem.”
“President Trump may have just forced North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un to come the negotiating table,” Andrew O’Reilly writes in Fox News. O’Reilly reports that according to experts, the President’s “strategy dealing with the rogue regime” is working. “Evidence came this week, when Kim told a delegation from South Korea his regime is willing to discuss nuclear disarmament with the United States.”
In The Wall Street Journal, Joseph Semprevivo writes that “J.M. Smucker Co. announced last month that it would donate $1 million to charity, invest $20 million in employee pension plans, and give $1,000 bonuses to some 5,000 employees. The food manufacturer is hardly alone. More than 400 U.S. employers have announced similar moves as a result of tax reform’s passage. What House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi calls ‘crumbs’ so far has amounted to a $30 billion income boost for millions of Americans.” Semprevivo adds that President Trump’s tax reform has given hope to small business owners like himself. “The U.S. economy is roaring—and small businesses like mine have a lot to do with it.”
“White House Senior Advisor Jared Kushner on Tuesday announced that the Trump Administration has a plan for making access to health records and interoperability a priority,” Tom Sullivan reports in Healthcare IT News. “The president is determined to make interoperability a reality for all Americans,” Kushner said in remarks at the HIMSS18 conference.
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