ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン:2017-08-01:「経済と雇用の成長のためには、税制改革が必要」“Transformative changes” to our Nation’s tax code
- レイモンド・J.キリング・イン・ザ・ヒル
The Hillでは、Small Business&Entrepreneurship CouncilのチーフエコノミストRaymond Keatingは包括的な税制改革の時だと主張している。アメリカの法人税率は「世界最高の税率」であり、企業は「米国に根を下ろさない」ことを阻止しています。 SBE理事会は、過度に重荷を負っている税法のために、「経済には340万の行方不明の事業があり、経済成長、投資、生産性、雇用創出には苦しんでいる」と推定しています。彼は私たちの国の税コードに "変革的な変化"を書いて、中小企業の繁栄を助け、今は共和党が行動する時です。
Obamacareのニュースでは、ヘリテージ財団のエド・フィールナー(Ed Feulner)はワシントン・タイムズに、議会議員はオバマケアレを廃止し、取り替える約束を元に戻すことはできないと述べ、「オバマケアによる被害を完全に取り返し、すべてのアメリカ人にとってより効果的な患者中心の健康システムを備えています。
連邦裁判所で、Phil Kerpenは、大統領がオバマの議会の保健医療の救済を終わらせ、各議員のために年間約1万2,000ドルの価値をどのようにして終了させるべきかを書いている。
退役軍人の世話をする上で、The Denver Postの編集委員会は、大統領が「VAの改革を最優先し、チョイスプログラムにより政権譲歩の余地を与えることを約束している」と述べ、VAチョイスプログラムへの資金提供を継続する法案を賞賛します。
“Transformative changes” to our Nation’s tax code
"For the sake of economic and employment growth, tax reform needs to get done"
- Raymond J. Keating in The Hill
In The Hill, Raymond Keating, the chief economist for the Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council, argues it is time for comprehensive tax reform. America’s corporate tax rate is “one of the highest in the world,” deterring businesses from “putting down roots in the United States,” he writes. The SBE Council estimated there are some “3.4 million missing businesses in our economy, and that our economy has suffered a dearth in economic growth, investment, productivity, and job creation,” because of our overly burdensome tax code. He writes “transformative changes” to our Nation’s tax code will help small businesses flourish and now is the time for Republicans to act. Click here to read more.
The Daily Signal reports on Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s statement that he is confident that tax reform will be accomplished this year, saying “this is one of the things that President Trump was elected to do, and we will follow through.”
In Obamacare news, the Heritage Foundation’s Ed Feulner writes in The Washington Times, that Members of Congress cannot back down from their promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, saying “we must continue to press to completely roll back the damage caused by Obamacare and replace it with a patient-centered health system that works better for all Americans.”
In The Federalist, Phil Kerpen writes how the President should end Obama’s bailout of Congress’ health care – worth about $12,000 per year for each lawmaker – that was designed to exempt them from the law they created.
Arguing “free-trade is a two-way street,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross writes in The Wall Street Journal, that “the Trump administration believes in free and fair trade” but will also work “to restore a level playing field” for America, “a true free-trade agenda.”
In caring for our veterans, The Denver Post editorial board praises legislation to continue funding the VA’s Choice program, writing that the President “has promised to make reforming the VA a top priority, and the Choice program gives his administration room to move.”