The Engine of the American Dream
トランプ大統領が元専門家ジェームス・C・マクローファン(James C. McCloughan)の名誉勲章を贈呈
ドナルド・J・トランプ大統領がスペシャリスト・ファイブジェームズ・C・マクローファン(James C. McCloughan)に名誉勲章を提出| 2017年7月31日(Shealah Craigheadによる公式ホワイトハウス写真)
今日、トランプ大統領はアメリカの中小企業イベント、アメリカンドリームのエンジンに参加します。午後3時にESTでライブ視聴Pence副社長はGiorgi Kvrikashvili首相との記者会見に参加し、米国およびグルジアの貴族パートナー参加者に発言を行いました。
The Engine of the American Dream
Your 1600 Daily:
Today, President Donald J. Trump is participating in an American small business event, The Engine of the American Dream, where he will continue to deliver his message for prioritizing the American worker and American jobs. Today's event will highlight the President's policies designed to grow the economy and create jobs and will feature the Small Business Administration’s mission to support small businesses.
President Trump Presents the Medal of Honor to former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan Yesterday, President Trump awarded the Medal of Honor to former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan for distinguished actions during 48 hours of close-combat fighting against enemy forces near Don Que, Vietnam, from May 13 to 15, 1969. Read more
Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks to Enhanced Forward Presence and Estonian Troops "The President personally sent me here -- to this place, at this time, to thank all of you who have stood up and stepped forward to protect this alliance, to protect our values, and to stand in the gap for our of way of life." Read the full speech
President Trump Leads a Cabinet Meeting Yesterday, President Trump met with his Cabinet at the White House where he congratulated General John Kelly on his accomplishments at the Department of Homeland Security and on his new role as White House Chief of Staff. The President also discussed several of his Administration’s economic accomplishments including the lowest unemployment rate in over 15 years. Watch the video
Photo of the Day
President Donald J. Trump presents the Medal of Honor to Specialist Five James C. McCloughan | July 31, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
Today, President Trump will participate in an American small business event, The Engine of the American Dream. Watch live at 3:00 PM EST. Vice President Pence participated in a press conference with Prime Minister Giorgi Kvrikashvili and delivered remarks to U.S. and Georgian Noble Partner Participants.
Coming Up This Week
The Vice President will continue traveling across Eastern Europe to strengthen America's partnerships.