
「風が吹けば、桶屋が儲かる」の因果関係で、 何人にも幇助罪を適用し、犯罪人にする、日本の司法行政の恐るべき事実!

2017-08-22  ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン アメリカ人の安全と安全保障よりも優先順位は高くない No Higher Priority Than the Safety and Security of the American People ドナルド・トランプ氏のアフガニスタンに対する新たな戦略は過去の失敗を元に戻すだろう - USA TodayのPence副社長

2017-08-22  ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン アメリカ人の安全と安全保障よりも優先順位は高くない No Higher Priority Than the Safety and Security of the American People





- USA TodayPence副社長











ニューヨーク・ポストの編集委員会は、大統領のトランプのアフガニスタン戦略に、「この戦争とそれを超えて、米国政策の大いに必要な実用的な再編成」と呼んでいる。このアプローチは、「地上での事実の明確な理解と、 "




そしてThe Weekly Standardは、議会共和党員の大統領の演説と新しい戦略に対する広範な賞賛について報告しています。
















2017-08-22  No Higher Priority Than the Safety and Security of the American People



Donald Trump’s new American strategy for Afghanistan will undo past failures

- Vice President Pence in USA Today

In USA Today, Vice President Mike Pence writes that under the Trump administration, “America will not write a blank check for countries that fail to root out the same forces who try every day to kill our people.” President Trump has “no higher priority than the safety and security of the American people,” the Vice President pens, adding: “Since the very first day of our administration, he has taken decisive action to protect our citizens, our country and our very way of life.” The President’s Afghanistan policy reverses the previous administration’s arbitrary end date on military operations, ensuring that “our armed forces will have the resources and authorization they need in order to succeed,” adding: “Bureaucrats don’t win battles; our brave men and women in uniform do, and they deserve the flexibility they need to fight and win every time.”
Click here to read more.


The Atlantic's Kori Schake argues the American people and pundits alike should "give Trump credit for his Afghanistan plan" in that by "avoiding timetables and holding Pakistan accountable, he seeks to reverse the mistakes of the past."


The New York Post editorial board calls President Trump’s Afghanistan strategy “a much-needed pragmatic realignment of US policy – in this war and beyond,” saying the approach “bespeak a clear sense of facts on the ground and what’s needed for US troops to win.”


And The Weekly Standard reports on Congressional Republicans’ widespread praise for the President’s speech and new strategy.


The Washington Examiner previews President Trump’s visit to a border patrol station in Yuma, Arizona, today, noting that “the trip marks the first time Trump will return to the southern border town as president."


In positive energy news, Fox News reports that Pennsylvania’s Corsa Coal plans to open its second new coal mine since President Trump took office, with CEO George Dethlefsen saying that “the war on coal is over” and that there is a “direct link” between the President’s policies and the company’s decision.